PhotoFeed Contest - Portrait Photography Round 85 | Lore again | ESP / ENG

Today I was visited again by Lore, that young model who has a special ability when posing in front of the camera. With her all the work is easier, apart from the fact that the girl is photogenic and that helps a lot.

During the session I tried to give her some close shots with somewhat risky cuts, compositionally speaking, and this is the one I liked the most. When I have to process portraits, I don't use any kind of filters or plugins to soften the skin, that kind of retouching seems to me totally unnatural, in my opinion it produces too artificial effects, and that's what I have NOT done with Lore, without filters or skin retouching.


Hoy ha vuelto a visitarme Lore, esa joven modelo que tiene una especial habilidad posando ante la cámara. Con ella todo el trabajo resulta más fácil, al margen de que la chica es fotogénica y eso ayuda bastante.

Durante la sesión busqué hacerle unos planos cerrados con cortes un tanto arriesgados compositivamente hablando, y este es el que más me gustó. Cuando tengo que procesar retratos, no uso ningún tipo de filtros ni plugins que suavicen la piel, ese tipo de retoque me parece totalmente antinatural, en mi opinión produce unos efectos demasiado artificiales, y eso es lo que NO he hecho con Lore, sin filtros ni retoques de piel.

Lorena 131 2.jpg

Unless stated otherwise, all the pictures and the words are mine.
Do not use this image without my written permission.
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Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.

Camera: Canon EOS5 MkIII
Lens: Canon 24-70 f:2.8
Processed with Capture One

Translated with plus little adjustments made by me.

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