Coffee... The Universal Language

Β©Skeleton Brew Coffee

I know what you are probably thinking. Music has always been thought of as the Universal Language. But just like that warm fuzzy feeling you get (okay... if it's Black Sabbath. It's really called whiplash LOL) when you hear that favorite old tune. There's something right in line with this same mindset, that I wanted to talk about today. Truth be told... I have been meaning to write this post for a long, long, time. So go ahead and relax... get a cup of coffee; what's that you say? Wes, I don't have any! Well, gosh... read on!


For those of you who may not know him... @wwwiebe will be the main focus of this post. It's his coffee that's running through my veins currently. While this is intended as a review post. There's so much more to my intent, than just typing about coffee. Hopefully, you will understand what I am trying to share; it's the memories we have when drinking coffee... that's what I want to share... Also... in full transparency. I will be setting wwwiebe and Cinnamon Cup Coffee Community, as 25% Beneficiaries of this post... Remember! It's all about community! (Well... and coffee... duh).

Keep the lines straight...

My Uncle was a cop. Went straight into the Police Academy when he graduated High School. Raised by his adoptive parents... he strived to be the best he could in everything he did. He passed away in 2017... It left a hole in our hearts, but I have this memory I'd like to share. My Uncle had a beautiful house... right next to a creek, it had a big sideyard with a few trees and a pretty flat surface. One particular day while we were visiting for a pre-get-together for Thanksgiving. He asked me if I wanted to mow his yard. He had a really nice push mower... not one of those zero-turn ones. But it did have self-propelled. I watched as he walked through a few passes, then stopped to let me give it a try, He was basically my Father figure, as my parents separated when I was around 2 years old. Anyway... I looked up to him and really wanted to do a nice job for him. Before I gave the pull cord a tug... he told me, "If you keep those lines straight I will let you have some coffee with me". I did my best, but that mower was so fast... and it had a bagger that was quick to fill up. But I got it done... As I went inside he passed me a cup of coffee, and told me, "Next time try to make the lines straighter, would ya?". He was quite the character lol... I sure do miss him...


You need some Dark Roast in your life...

No one else is gonna drink it...

I spent a few years in the U.S. Army. I was stationed in Schweinfurt Germany... this was between 1992 and 1994. It is really cold in Germany during the winter, and I learned this being a 13 Bravo Cannon Crew Member... that's artillery for those who might not know. I missed going to the sand, by about a week. But during my time in Germany, we spent the majority of our time out in "The Field" training. I knew it wasn't the real thing, but I treated it as being the real thing. Being out in the field was something that would separate the men, from the boys. Periods of four months out in the middle of nowhere in an aluminum can (109 A2 Howitzer) made for some interesting stories. One of them was Guard Duty. As I mentioned... even though I knew we were just training. I handed it like the real thing... you never knew when they would call us to go and support the Third Infantry Division and I was raised with the mindset of, "A job worth doing is a job worth 'over-doing'". So yeah... roving guard duty... this was at 3 AM mind you; complete with NVGs, it was my responsibility to keep watch over my platoon. Did I mention it was extremely cold during the winter in Germany?

Like clockwork... every morning at 6 AM, KP brought out insulated containers of chicken noodle soup, and yes... coffee. Keep in mind... it never failed; each end of shift, as I was finally getting stripped down to my underwear, and hopping into my extreme cold weather sleeping bag. Someone would knock on the side of my Howitzer... "Gaurd Duty!". I should have thrown a fit, but I knew that coffee would be delivered soon. Each morning, I would watch to see if anyone else would come and get a cup. No one ever did... No brainer; it was hot black coffee... a spoon could stand in it. And like I said... No one else was going to drink it!


But, it's a Bunn...

I knew early in, that the biggest cool point, was the separate tank on the Bunn Coffee Maker. That allows you to always have hot water ready; no waiting for that heavenly elixir... coffee! No different really than one of those $10.00 Mr. Coffee I guess, but when I tried to clean mine out after being under the sink... wow. So my fiance talked me into getting a percolator. Not the old-fashioned kind; I don't mean the original kind that goes on top of the stove. The new-fangled ones! AKA... Hamilton Beach Electric Percolator! (Pause... for effect).

My Electric Percolator

I know several people who use a French Press; while I have researched them, I think I will stick with my percolator... you have to stick with what you love... yes? I used to grind my own coffee beans as well. But the grinder I had was just as hard to get clean, as the Mr. Coffee pot. The whole idea was to NOT worry about drinking mold! I mean... gross! I do, however, pick the "Course Grind" option when purchasing from Skeleton Brew... I don't mind a little grinds in my cup. But we also use the brewed grounds in our flowers... winner winner! So what am I saying? If you don't have a percolator... get one, and thank me later!


The Power of Community Coffee...

Coffee can bring a community together... can't it? I'd like to think so. You see, I meant to create this post for quite some time. But life just kept getting in the way. But rather than just make some quick review. I wanted to share what the ambiance of coffee can do. It's not just the act of buying it... brewing it... and drinking it. It's the memories that come with it. It's the excitement of waiting for the mail... Getting everything ready... and that first sip; I just don't understand why some people can't enjoy coffee. But hopefully, with all of my rambling, you will want to taste some for yourself. I've had a flawless experience when ordering from Skeleton Brew... The site is easy to navigate, and the descriptions of each coffee type, are almost as good as the taste of the coffee!

OperaGX Snapshot from the Skeleton Brew website

Upon your first visit to the website. You will be graced with a 10% first-time purchase code. I'm not going to share it here, because that would defeat the purpose of your visit to the website! I have made several purchases myself, as well as sent a few people gifts. Can't let all that goodness just go unnoticed now can we? I kind of went off topic there didn't I? I'm trying to create a nice post that focuses on the awesome of Skeleton Brew Coffee while reminding everyone that there's so much more to this, than just dollars and cents. Let me share another photo!

Bone Rattler - Caffeine Powered Awesome

This was my latest purchase... wwwiebe warned me about this one. I started off only adding half the coffee in the basket; 8 cups of water but only 4 cups of grounds. No... I'm not a wimp! I just wanted to be sure I wasn't bouncing off the walls too early. But after my first cup, I realized this was just what the doctor ordered! I've tried many different coffee brands; Starbucks, Death Wish, Eight O'clock, Camerons, and yes... Folgers. But I prefer the darker, stronger, coffee blends. More than that... I believe in supporting our family on our Blockchain. It's my hope that I've honored the energy that wwwiebe was creating. You could really amplify the awesome of this coffee line, by listening to the

Blind Skeleton Radio, or one of the Blind Skeleton Podcasts. Care to completely immerse yourself in the vibe of "all-things-coffee"? Jump into the rabbit hole! Let your eyes peruse the knowledge of Coffee 101. I invite you to pay a visit to Skeleton Brew Coffee... enjoy the flavors... and make some of your own memories...



- Photos taken with Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
- Photos Edited with LunaPic
- Page Dividers from The Terminal Discord

Wp - 6/25/24

What I Listened to During Post Creation

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