

I may or may not be aware of my fans
But I keep an eye on my critics
Because there is no surprise in criticism
There is 'unwanted joy' in criticism
I feel the 'flavour' of criticism as a enthusiasm

Criticism comes with the infinite 'impulse' of flames
In which all the frustrations of the critic are burnt to ashes
And eternal knowledge is lit up, dignity is not destroyed
But there is another side to this, true and irrefutable

With criticism, the 'support' is purified, not the 'shelter'
It is true that when the support smiles,
Then the support 'shivers'
But the support does not get disturbed and this is 'a state'

Where again a perversion comes in the mind of the critic
The thought of destroying the support completely
But friend! Neither criticism is destroyed nor the support, nor the support
Everything remains as it is
That is why I called criticism unwanted joy

Criticism is beyond victory and defeat
Pure, logical and true to the touchstone of truth
And from the fire test of criticism

The feeling of coolness emerges unscathed
In which the dirty frustrations get burnt
Then only joy is found
So who would not want to dive in such an ocean of joy
And I am living that joy
You criticize me
Because the critic is my god, criticism is his duty
And criticism is my good fortune

Amidst all this, the wise people enjoy the joy
Because criticism brings celebration for everyone
Like the principle of generalization
One gets filled with unwanted joy
And then this thing is remembered

Thank you so much for reading. Have a good day ☺️ 🙏. @vikbuddy

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