
Raymond Besant
Wildlife cameraman & photographer from Orkney. BBC NHU,Springwatch, BBC Scotland, Appletv/Smithsonian/Nat Geo/Netflix. Views are my own
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April 7, 2022
I managed a wee dip at one of my local seagrass beds earlier this week
I managed a wee dip at one of my local seagrass beds earlier this week, mostly to try out a new bit of kit! Beautifully calm underwater and so much life to observe. There were lots of these Idotea Isopods
$ 0.274
'You ain't seen me....right?'
'You ain't seen me....right?' Fifteen Spined Stickleback's always have an air of calmness about them, quietly slipping away when spotted.
$ 0.118
Look into the eyes
‘Look into the eyes I said into the eyes and not around the eyes… Now get that camera out of my chops boyo’ #Photography #Hive
$ 0.000
Wacen bore bach ar lannau’r nant yn St Florence
Wacen bore bach ar lannau’r nant yn St Florence…Bore Da x Early morning walk along the babbling brook at St Florence…Bore da x #Photography #Hive #Tour
$ 0.103
Some lovely bottle finds last night whilst looking for other things on the shore.
Some lovely bottle finds last night whilst looking for other things on the shore. A nicely encrusted ink bottle and a bottle of Glyco-Thymoline, otherwise known as mouthwash! #Photography #Orkney #Hive
$ 0.286
A surprise today whilst filming seabirds on Hoy
A surprise today whilst filming seabirds on Hoy, noticed some thrashing on the surface. A Harbour Seal eating an Octopus! #Orkney #Photography #Hive
$ 0.027
Can you spot the odd one out?
Can you spot the odd one out? Common Guillemots are back on our cliffs and at this time of year look really crisp and clean after a winter at sea. By the end of the breeding season many will be matted
$ 0.027
Blue Mussel beds
Blue Mussel beds (or in this case a colony attached to one of the churchill barrier concrete blocks) provide space for lots of other creatures to either live on or between them, most commonly the Barnacle
$ 0.098
Trying to stay on the right side of not being detected by this Otter!
Trying to stay on the right side of not being detected by this Otter! Years back when I started learning about Otters and their behaviour I was fortunate to gain a head start by learning from
$ 0.049
Here's a picture of a Snow Bunting taking it easy!
There's been a lot of sea spray and drama on my feed lately so here's a picture of a Snow Bunting taking it easy! Fluffing itself up on an old kelp stipe after feeding on the shore with a flock of about
$ 0.493
A Turnstone alighting to avoid an incoming wave.
A Turnstone alighting to avoid an incoming wave. Small groups of these little waders can be found all around Orkney but they particularly like rocky shores where they can turn over stones (hence the name)
$ 0.000
A serene day between the storms
A serene day between the storms. A flock of Snow Buntings or 'Snowflakes' feeding on windblown grass seeds amongst the grains of sand on Aikerness beach. #Photography #Hive
$ 0.132
Young Otter cubs play fighting in the shallows.
A pair of young Otter cubs play fighting in the shallows. The play between these siblings appeared quite rough at times but all an essential part of growing up. Mum fished nearby.
$ 0.276

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