I Am #AliveAndThriving Today! || #IAmAliveChallenge || Daily Off-Grid Jungle Journal Entry: Day #580 - HPUD, Broken-Heart Healing, and Time - GaiaYoga Gardens, Lower Puna, Far East Big Island, Hawai'i - Wednesday, February 28, 2024





I live naked and barefooted, very close to Earth and Nature, in an 18-acre, off-grid, clothing-optional, food-forest intentional community (GaiaYoga Gardens), way out in the jungles of Lower Puna, far East Big Island, Hawai'i, and I have for more than 5 years now. Although there are many challenges, I love my life, and I'm immensely grateful to live where and how I do, on my own terms! I would not want to live any other way! 😁🙏💚⚡💥🔥✴️✳️❇️👣🌱✨🤙


Warm greetings all! 😁🙏💚✨🤙

Since it's Thursday, February 29th for me today, some time after 2PM (when Hive Time/UTC changes from one day to the next) I'll be powering up the HIVE that I've been saving up for the month for the March 1st #HPUD. After powering up, I'll have around 6,380 HP, which is a bit less than I was hoping to have by this point in the week, but it's still great to be growing at a fairly good pace. I had less income in liquid HIVE this month, which is why the amount of HIVE that I'll be powering up today is a little under 20.






I know I've expressed a few times already that healing my broken heart is not at all an easy process. It feels like a lot of back and forth, opening and connecting with people, then shutting down and withdrawing once again. The community is coming to life again, with many more people here, and more community events being planned all time. Various people want me to be a part of things, but that's easier said than done, partly because of how much time I devote to Hive every day, and partly because I'm still not really convinced that the type of connections and relationships that I most want with women is even possible anymore. So there's the beginning of opening, connecting, sharing more deeply, and then the feeling that what I truly want is not possible, so I reject myself before I allow a woman to reject me. This is not an enjoyable process or experience, I have to say. There's a community potluck down at Tutu's tonight, and I still don't know if I'm going to go. Even just practically I have much to do on Hive, so I don't know if I can allocate time to it. The human connection thing is a whole other can of worms.






Since I basically took most of the time that I used to spend with people and gave it to Hive, as things are now, I just don't have time for human connections and relationships. This, of course, doesn't work, doesn't feel good, and is not at all fulfilling, so I am working to change things. To do this I need to change how I do things on Hive a bit, moving certain tasks that I do, like my Sunday Weekly Hive Goals and Progress Updates to other days or times. I'm still thinking and feeling into this dilemma, to see what solutions could be implemented. So far Hive still takes precedence, until I find how to reintegrate spending time with people, going out, and doing fun things, in my life again.






As I mentioned in my last post, I gave a session to Kula yesterday, a woman who used to live at GaiaYoga Gardens, and with whom I've worked in sessions many times. We started just after 1PM and finished around 4:30PM, so a shorter session. I strained out kefir while Kula was still coming back to the world up at the Flow House, as she wanted to buy a quart of kefir and also some kefir grains/culture (to start new batches) to take with her. After I gave her the kefir and kefir grains, I walked her back to her car, and then blended the quart of kefir I had left with the usual honey, cinnamon, and cacao.






When I had that done, I got into a conversation with Nivah, starting in Tutu's and ending up at rhe Flow House, about a few different things, most notably being the parameters of my sessions, and how and why I do what I do, as she was interested in getting a session with me. At the end of the conversation, she left excited for her future session, that we'll likely schedule sometime next week. Once Nivah left, I got straight to my evening round of Hive tasks, and of course trying to catch up on my large number of notifications, which sadly I was not able to complete, getting to only within 11 hours of being fully up to date. I went to sleep just after 12AM, and unfortunately I did not sleep well, beginning a round of token management around 6:30AM, starting this post, then finally getting out of bed to go make my superfood fire coffee, of which I gave Nivah another pint jar.






Because of the session I was not able to take most of the photos for this post until this morning. I also paused writing this post to attend the Thursday community NVC meeting, which I just left, a little after 12:30PM, to return to the Flow House to finish writing it.






It's now just after 1PM, so a good time to end this post, so that I can get to my afternoon round of essential Hive tasks, power up my HIVE and write about it in my #HPUD post, before leaving the Flow House in the later afternoon, to first take photos for tomorrow's incarnation of this post, and then to focus on land work, which will probably be getting back to weeding in the fenced garden. I deeply appreciate you all so very much! Until tomorrow! Forward, onward, and upward, joyfully together! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙





2024 Life Goals

1.) Heal my broken heart. 

2.) Bring myself and my life back into balance, integration, and wholeness, and do regular integral practices. 

3.) Make my plant nursery beautiful again. 

4.) Prepare regular batches of my medicinal teas collected from the land again. 

5.) Continue my work with Arch Linux, Hive, Qortal, DeSo, Bastyon, and other sovereignty-driven technologies, as well as learn relevant coding/programming languages to more fully contribute. 

6.) Get regular healing sessions with women flowing again. 


All photos were taken with my Motorola G Power Android Phone.


Thank you all so much who have helped me get to where I am today, and allowing me to share more of the beauty and magic from my life and my world with you, and for your continuous appreciation and support! I am truly deeply grateful! 😁🙏💚✨🤙


If you'd like to find me on other alternative platforms where I have accounts (I spend most of my time here on Hive), click on this signature image below to go to my LinkTree page.


If you'd like to send me a BTC Lighting Tip (made possible by the fantastic work of brianoflondon on @v4vapp), just scan the QR image below. 👇


Signature image created by @doze, and the dividers made by @thepeakstudio, with all tweaked to their present form by me.


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