Hard work pays

Hard work pays off with time, and success doesn't come overnight, even for those who try to take shortcuts. It's a process that unfolds gradually. When you have no one to rely on, you must focus on your work diligently, no matter how demanding it may be.

Reflecting on my journey, I realize that to reach the top, you have to persevere. Opportunities come to those who strive and not to those who sit back and wait for someone to show them the way. Overreliance on others too much can make you lose your sense of responsibility. "Do whatever is good for your soul," as they say.

Below is a poem to illustrate the benefits of working

Work dispels poverty,
Work diligently and with a clear mind, my friend.
Work brings upliftment and success.
When we have no one to lean on,
It might seem like laziness.
But in truth, when we have no one to trust,
We focus even more on our work.

Your mother might be wealthy,
Your father might own countless riches;
But if you rely on them,
You are setting yourself up for failure.
What you earn through hard work lasts longer than what is given.

Hard work is like the arm,
While relatives are like the elbow.
If you are valued by the world today,
And still rich tomorrow, they will love you.
If you hold a respected position,
You will be honoured with great laughter.
But if you lack money or status,
You will be left alone and ignored.

A foolish child awaits suffering,
And sorrow comes to the child without a plan or vision.
Do not waste your youth, my friend.

Work hard and plan well now,
For time waits for no one,
And tomorrow may be too late.

I believe that as long as I can breathe and see, my future is bright. Today is just a phase, and though things may be tough now, I've learned from the stories of successful people. I might have been overthinking or filling my mind with unnecessary doubts. But I know that this world will never fade away until I make it. The sky is the limit.

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