Engineers, Architects, & Technicians Wanted

A call for engineers, architects, and technicians

The Venus Project has begun initial procedures for the next phase of detailed design and production, the details of which will be unveiled once significant progress has been made. The building designs ascend from the more than 5500 design sketches produced by Jacque Fresco over the past 41 years. With Roxanne Meadows to design the layout, Adam Bouzane (D.EDDT, Building Technologist, Systems Administrator) will spearhead the operation.

This comprehensive development is intended to become a major hub for international research. It will be a self-sustaining education complex with research and development centers. One eighth of the circular arrangement will accommodate a “Museum of the Future”, showing educational exhibitions designed to help people understand, both, the state of technology as well as its potential when utilized humanely within a Resource Based Economy. Tourist accommodations, short term residences, educational arenas, media facilities, a conference center, and many other amenities will be integrated. This facility’s primary focus will be research and development of Global Resource Management systems, and the well being of people and the environment. Lessons learned and knowledge gained here will be utilized in development of a circular city system.

Click [here] for more details!

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The Venus Project

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