6 years of Splinterlands ~ that's legendary

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Hello Hello Splinterlands fans and all Hivians

Did you know that Splinterlands is celebrating its 6 Year Anniversary?

Six years as a blockchain game... ~ now that is fluffing legendary ... so well done and congratulations #Splinterlands

Today we are going to go through my Splinterlands journey...


Discovery of Splinterlands

It was actually @eylz619 who along with another friend got me to register with Splinterlands ....

We actually used BCH from another blogging platform read.cash. I bought my summoners handbook and promptly lost my log in information. So @tengolotodo13 which I created to play Splinterlands has sat like a stone statue motionless watching the action going on around him!

Well fluff that I thought and then bought a spellbook for this account, my main Hive account @tengolotodo

This then is a wee recap of my Splinterlands journey to celebrate 6 years of Splinterlands ....


Duration of Participation

This then would have been in the early part of 2022 or late part of 2021 I am not sure which so I am going to say a good two years ago!


I did join a guild with some more Filipinos but like so many of my things on Hive it was a bit sporadic.

I carried on playing Splinterlands but felt I missed the boat.

I could rent cards and a few times I got into Diamond league.

It was all with rented cards and the rewards never seemed to make it worthwhile. It was not really play2earn for me, it was more a case of pay2play.

It was fun and addictive thought. Mrs T would look at me like a numpty when I was pumping the air whilst beating someone exclaiming ...

"Getifur ya basa!"

My homage to the Big Yin himself



Time Spent in Splinterlands

Do you have an addictive personality?

I do ... This does meanthat when I get addicted I can spend fluffing hours doing something!

My Splinterlands journey was full of ups and downs. At the beginning I was easily spending a couple of hours a day researching battle formations, looking at card prices and of course playing.

The good thing about Spliterlands is that it is mobile so I was able to play on my way places.

Multitasking we all love it, don't we!


Noe that I started again we shall see...




What did I accomplish? Well manys hours of saying playing Splinterlands to Mrs T .... Does that count for anything?

I am guildless and that is because I stopped playing. It got so complicated that I let it slip and one day became two days become a month etc ....

However reading the post of @mypathtofire Splinterlands - 6 Year Anniversary! who I must admit is my blockchain game goto guru I realised that fluff it ... go and give it another shot....His post was also where I found out that it was the 6th anniversary of Splinterlands!

As I mentioned before when I was playing regulary I did get to Diamond league a few times and generally played in Gold league, but it costed me more than I earnt!

I started again yesterday and was impressed with to me a new design of the website...

I noticed that I had played a couple of games or so...


Ok close to 8000 games, probably fluff all compared to the diehards on Hive but quite a lot for me!

So I restarted yesterday in Bronze league with 600 points...

I won and I won ...


and I kept on fluffing winning ....


It was never this easy!!!

Maybe they really did get rid of all the bots!

Well I am addicted again 🤦‍♂


Upcoming Goals

Goals Goals Goals

What fun, well as I only started playing again yesterday my goal is to play daily and find out what changed.

For example last time I played we collected chests at the end of the day and the end of the Season!

What the fluff ... No chests? What now!

So much to learn again!

As a project manager there is one thing that we do not want or at least control it to a minumum ...

Can you guess what that is?


But that is not true for blockchain games. They need to evolve to stay the course ....

How many blockchain games have been here for 6 years and still going strong?

Not that many that's for sure. So kudos to the Splinterlands team and all the players. Together we can keep it strong and here is to the next 6 years!


Advice for Beginners

My advice in anything and it is something that I am doing again now ... is ....


and I ..


Yes I went digging and I went asking, I read the townhall posts and I asked people questions...

Above all ....

Join a guild!

Yes if you want to enjoy the game, then go and join a guild....

PS Who is looking for a novice member like me?

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!

If you are reading this and are not a Splinterlands player and want to be then feel free to join the fun here


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo. Photos taken with my smartphone.
@tengolotodo May 12th 2024


Haste Ye Back!

(4 - May Premium 1 VR)

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