Victory Park/ The poor farm

Victory Park/ The poor farm

Good morning all and I hope life is treating you well, today I will share some shots froma visit to what the maps call Victory park but is known to many of the locals especially the ones around my age as the Poor Farm.

I almost said known by most of hte older locals but then realised heck there may age, dang its a bummer to admit I am not as young as I used to be LOL

this shot of fromthe road near where i was parked looking across the pond there

These were taken last year and trust me its not looking so grene at the moment, but once the weather gets it act together and it starts warming up it will be green again

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Sony A7iv 28mm F8 1/200 Sec ISO 200
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When I heard people vcall it the Poor farm I had to do some research and here is what I found
The Poor Farm dates back to 1828, when the then-town ( now its a city with about 100K residents) of New Bedford purchased 75 acres on Clarks Point for $4,700.

In the coming years, the farm was developed into a complex including a poorhouse, a hospital for sick seamen, a workhouse for criminals who committed minor offenses and later a "pest house," or hospital for people with contagious diseases. In 1847, a new almshouse opened.

but there is no sign of any of those buildings anymore

Not I am not sure if this sports field is considered part of Victory park or the Poor farm area but its just across a road from the pond

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Sony A7iv 40mm F8 1/250 Sec ISO 320
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NOw for those who like ot sit and relax this is probably a good spot to do just that, but i have never seen anyone sitting there, infact on all my visits to this spot i have never seen anyone else there

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Sony A7iv 28mm F8 1/250 Sec ISO 100
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at the time i was there the greens were so lush

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Sony A7iv 34mm F8 1/250 Sec ISO 125
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and another spot looking across the pond

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Sony A7iv 28mm F8 1/250 Sec ISO 400
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And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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