Market Friday Shops around town

Market Friday Shops around town

A post for Market Friday hosted by @dswigle, if you haven't followed her yet you should she is one of the kindest and most supportive people here on Hive, a comment from her is like a ray of sunshine on your page.
This is the one tag and challenge that I always make a point of joining, and also look through the posts of others that join the challenge and seeing markets from all around the world.

For this weeks post, I am going to share a few shots of shops around the city here in New Bedford

Starting with this Dairy maid Ice Cream shop or perhaps Kiosk, Not far from the Hurricane Barrier wall, I have never tried the ice cream from here to be honest, I have driving by there with the grandkids a couple of times but they have had long queues.

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Sony A7iv 24mm F8 2 Sec ISO 100
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We end up heading to another one called Lollies who have my favorite flavor Mint Chocolate Chip :)

What is your favorite flavor of Ice Cream?

Funnily enough part of the routine we have with the kid son Fridays is after I pick them up we go to Cumberlands garage and store and they pick up a couple of snacks, the weird thing for me is on the colder days the grandson always seems to want to grab an ice cream, but in simmer when its warm he never grabs ice cream

Next up is the T-Mobile and anytime fitness stores near to the Shaws Supermarket I often go to

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Sony A7iv 19mm F7.1 1/60 Sec ISO 125
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And next up the mechanics Bank, there are so many banks here, growing up in NZ seems we had three or four options for banks, here there is so many

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One of the local car wash places we have here, most of them have the drive through full service wash option as well as spots where you can wash your car yourself

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Sony A7iv 36mm F8 1/250 Sec ISO 100
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and finishing off with a Dunkin Donuts place, again so many of them here hard to drive more than a few minutes without passing one

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Sony A7iv 48mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 320
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And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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