Dropping targeted comments

From time to time, my account gets mentioned on a list to target for comment rewards because I tend to reward most of the comments I get however, I don't reward any comments. The comments I upvote are the ones that add value to the conversation, the ones I enjoy, the ones from people who consistently comment and add value to the conversation with comments I enjoy. I understand that not everyone speaks English well, but generally speaking, if you do not actually understand the post, it is better not to comment perhaps because I am likely to start flagging those comments as spam again.

The next thing is that I am not a needy, insecure person who requires to be told how pretty I am so nonsense, disingenuous comments pandering to my ego are unlikely to get any support unless they also add something to the conversation of the post. Irrelevance is not really a trait I look for in a good comment and I dislike the Instagram-esque style of commenting with empty words of flattery. Even with translations apps and the like, I assume if someone is unable to form a somewhat coherent sentence for a comment, they are unlikely to have understood my article, story, poem, thoughts and any nuances they may or may not contain.

This isn't about the length of comments, it is about the value in my eyes and the ability they have to build relationships. When people (myself included) keep mentioning engagement, this is what is meant; it isn't the commenting alone, it is the comment's ability to create connections between people and develop personal relationships of some sort. This is why I can happily reward comments from some people that from the outside view wouldn't appear to add value to the conversation because, I know where they stand as we have a track record relationship already built.

I know it is a hard world out there and it is especially hard on Steem for people who struggle in English as there are very few language-based communities that have Steem Power behind them but, this can change significantly over time with price changes and mainstreaming. What this means is that for those who struggle in English, spending time developing and supporting language niches is an investment in the future here, as is powering up a little so as to be able to support others also.

The problem with targeting those who reward comments for reward alone is that while in the short-term there may be some gains, in the long term the relationship network isn't broad nor is it deep and those who reward comments can change their habit, leave the system or be forced to sell their stake for whatever reason. Then what? Building an account here is more than Steem Power, it is becoming part of the community it some way by offering something of value. If your comments, behaviour or content don't add something of value, why expect something of value in return?

There are lots of complexities and nuances in all things Steem but approaching it only to extract isn't likely going to work out well for anyone in the long run.

[ a Steem original ]

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