What Can We Expect from Classrooms of the Future?

There’s simply now slowing technology down. It’s become so apparent in our daily lives that continuously including new elements into the classroom has become crucial to ensure that our kids can keep up with the changes. 

If implemented correctly, modern technology can have a significant impact on how teachers and learners approach learning. With support, innovation, and a deep understanding of where the world is heading, students of the future can expect an exponential shift in how knowledge is passed.  

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In this article, I will briefly discuss how the classrooms of tomorrow will differ from the setting and learning techniques we grew accustomed to in the past.  

Personalised Learning

Schools are slowly accepting the science that people absorb information differently. So, the aim in many schools is to introduce personalised learning. This way, learners can enjoy a learning experience that is tailored to how they learn best. 

The teaching methods will help to create a learning environment that supports each individuals’ goals and talents. Essentially, teachers will have access to a “learner profile” that the student creates. This profile will include the strengths, weaknesses, preferences, and goals of the learner in question. This information will be the foundation of the more customised teaching approach. The information can be accessed electronically and can be updated by the student as goals or talents shift. 

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Augmented reality has the potential to open a world of discovery for learners.  This type of technology will deliver first-hand experiences depending on what topic or theme the class is learning about at the time. For example, if geography class is learning about the Grand Canyon, they can trek the land using virtual reality while they are huddled in their classroom in the middle of Africa.  

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Assignment Flexibility 

Flexible assignments give students an opportunity to accurately draw their own understanding of a topic. Instead of passing on information and expecting a student to just accept it, learners will be able to explore topics to reach their own conclusions. Learners can complete written, oral or illustrative assignments that will help them to explain to the teacher what their interpretation of the message is.  This way, teachers can test a learner’s competency in understanding the material by keeping to a personalised teaching approach. 

Cloud Computing

With cloud computing, the excuse “the dog ate my homework” will no longer apply! Cloud computing will change the way students and teachers access assignments, resources, lesson plans, and grades. All administrative processes, including homework, will be streamlined online in real time. This will help teachers to keep tabs on their learner’s progress and students will have no excuse for not getting their schoolwork done. 

While some may shy away from this change and feel like it is a “soft” approach in a world where young students may need stricter boundaries – others agree that if we want our future generations to cope in a world that’s fast changing – then these new extreme techniques are crucial. 


1. https://elearningindustry.com/4-changes-will-shape-classroom-of-the-future-making-education-fully-technological

2. https://www.thetechedvocate.org/10-ways-create-classroom-future/

Much love - @sweetpea

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