Life in the Province - Catching Fresh Fish

Hello everyone, it's my first time posting a personal blog here in Asean Hive Community ,so I'm hoping it will leave a good impression to you guys.

For my first sharing here, I will show you what we do when going home to the province. It feels different when I'm in the province. The air is fresh and it's silent , a perfect scene to relax the body and mind.

Also when we are here, the food that we serve on our table can be found just around the house. One day me and my brother-in-law decided to catch some fish to be serve on lunch.

We got an old net from the chicken coup that is not already being used and we went to a pond near the house to catch Tilapia.

The pond's depth was on the knee level so catching a fish without a proper tool is hard, but still we proceed with our improvised net. We stretched the net end to end until we cover the stretch of the pond.

We just walk towards the end of the pond, and hope we get something . It's fun to do , not only we catch food but we also get to cool down a bit from the hot weather since the water of the pool is cold.

We just repeated the process back and forth, we may not be getting a lot but we did it many times so the fish was accumulated.

After getting 20 pieces of fish we decided to stop since we want to only catch what we will consume. So if we want more we can always come back. A fresh fish always taste better than the frozen.

So before we cook it, it's my job to clean them. Good thing I was taught when I was still little to do this things, so now we know how to do things on our own, And for sure I'll be teaching this to my son.

Another free meal fresh from our backyard, Sorry for not taking picture of the cooked fish. By the way we deep fried it, it was so tasty , since we fried it almost all was eaten including the bones, almost nothing left for the cats.

I think that's it for this activity, I hope you liked it.
I will be sharing more here, and I hope you visit again my next blog.

Thanks again, see you in the next one!

From the Philippines, @suteru

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