Lilac Sunday For Mother's Day - by Sunscape


Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful moms around the globe.

Today I will share photos of the Lilacs blooming in the gardenscape. Here in Rochester, New York is the start of the Lilac Festival at our famous Highland Park. Sharing some of the pretty blossoms from my own trees seemed appropriate.


The weather has been perfect for the Lilacs and their scent is wafting throughout the neighborhood.


The trees don't have a lot of blossoms this year due to them bearing heavily last year. The little birdhouse is the nesting box for a House Wren family.


As I was taking photos this little Admiral butterfly was enjoying the sweet nectar.


This is my favorite Lilac, white with a blush of pink. It smells heavenly and it is at the corner of my vegetable garden. I have enjoyed her lovely scent all week as I have planted the seedlings.

This birdhouse is home to sparrows every year. I think they like nesting next to the tree. I often see the male sitting on a branch while the female is inside the nest. It offers a great vantage point to guard the nest.


This is the darkest of my Lilacs and she puts on a nice show with her long blossoms. They tend to make the branches very heavy-laden when they are fully open.

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Thank you for stopping by my post today to see the Lilacs blooming. Happy gardening to all.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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