Our tiny little balkony paradise

Hey there HIVE gardeners! I have been playing with the idea of posting in this community for quite some time and now I finally have a little something to share. My potatoes that I planted about 3 weeks ago are finally start to show their first leaves. And I harvested a little of my salad today as well and my wife and I had a really nice salad with our dinner.
Dont mind that small pot with the dead plant. That is a decorative plant and I am really good in killing those. I have a greener thumb when it comes to get your own farmers goods ;)
Our tomatoes are also showing some blossoms and hopefully by the time they open our little flowers for the bees are going to be ready as well. We planted those from seedlings about a month ago as well. Unfortunately, I have no clue what type they will be, I lost the paper that indicated the sort.

We planted 4 types of potatoes and they are all starting to show their little leaves. In the next few days I will still be watering them slightly in the evenings and then shoveling the soil from the side of the pots towards the middle and trying to break up the soil so a lot of potatoes can grow beneath the surface. In about 6-8 weeks, we should have a nice harvest of about 3-4 kgs per pot.
I will have to break up the soil on a regular basis so there is always some space for the potatoes to grow bigger.

Two types of salads have been planted from seedlings as well and they are already growing fast and can be harvested on the go. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pics of the harvest itself, but plenty is still left, and the planted types are growing as you pick them. These plants should give us a steady stock of salad until the end of summer.


Next to the salads we have planted two rows of carrots where the outcome is uncertain as they do not have a lot of space to grow. We will see how big they can grow before they start hitting the bottom of their little pot.

A closeup of the most grown up potato plant so far.

I hope you excuse me that I have no real vocabulary when it comes to gardening.

Our little balcony paradise is just a small hobby and test on how things grow here. As I gather more intel on how the plants behave here I will get into bigger projects. I have plenty of walls that can be used as a vertical garden and that is something I really wanted to try for quite some time now.


When I was a child I used to help friends of ours on their potato fields and that was super hard work. But these four plants will be easy to handle and I don't have to be afraid of any rodents or bugs on the 4th-floor balcony in the middle of the city. We are on the sunny side of the buolding so there should be plenty of warmth and sunlight coming in and the water supply is also very good.

The biggest challenge is the wind. It is always windy in Vienna and I have to make sure everything is heavy enough to not get blown away.

Not on the images but later on will be shown our tomato plants, our paprika plants, and our spices like thyme, basil, and rosemary.

You will also see a third type of salad and a little playground for bees and insects.

Hairy potato plant

I hope you enjoyed my little garden update and there will be more if you want to see more.

Thanks for reading! If you comment potato, patato, tomato, tomato in a sentence underneath this post you might see some HSBI coming your way. ;)

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