Wednesday Walk - Marsh Walk

Here is an evening marsh walk for this #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay
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When the sun is setting in this marshland you can see all the pollen, insects and other particulate highlighted. Half the highlights are mosquitos probably lol.

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This gang of grackles are kicking up some grass seeds in this area.

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They always seem to have a dispute going on in their gang where they were mad at the one on the left. Perhaps the one on the right stole his wife somehow.

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The red-winged blackbird females don't want the grackles in their area. They are in full defensive mode.

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They will team up to drive other birds out of their territory, especially large ones like hawks and herons.

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In the forest area a flock of cedar waxwings. Sadly it was too dark for me to get a clear well lit shot of these guys.

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Sparrows are always ready for a close-up. This guy looks like he is in a summer molt.

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This dove was warming up in the evening sun. It kind of looks like an Easter marshmallow peep.

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This is the last good shot I got out of the walk. This one is called a Common Whitetail but it really has a slightly blue tail. Maybe they are referring to the white lines running down the side of the tail. I hope it eats loads of mosquitos, we got bitten up badly this time.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

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