Why So Angry?

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I just got back from an event from my part time job. I finally get to write my battle mage secrets post. I was unable to write a post for the social media one because I wasn't sure what to write since I covered the two promos cards and the event. The theme for this week is Ferocity. In this ruleset, units with taunt take double the damage since every unit gets fury.



My Strategy & Tips for Ferocity

In my opinion, I don't feel there's any amazing strategy or tips for this ruleset alone. It would really depend on the other rulesets. The only thing you need to know for this ruleset is to avoid playing any units with taunt. They would just be dying super fast and wasting a slot in most cases.


The Battle

The battle link can be found here. I had this battle my scholar account. I did so many battles just to find a battle with ferocity. It was a very restricted ruleset with only 35 mana and water element available only.


Discussing My Lineup


Summoner , Kelya - I chose Kelya because it was either this or possibilus but I felt Kelya was better for the low-mid mana.

First Position, Baakjira - Baakjira is a pretty standard frontline tank but it's a bit weaker now with that new rebellion airdrop out

Second Position, Kulu Mastermind - I chose Kulu Mastermind to give my Baakjira weapons training. It's also good as a secondary tank with the shield.

Third Position, River Nymph - This card was for support to mainly boost my team's speed. The cleanse is good for Baakjira as well.

Fourth Position, Deeplurker - This is a must have in an opportunity sneak water line up. Plays a big role in DPS as well as demoralizing the opponent.

Fifth, Uraeus - I chose Uraeus as my fifth position unit. It's not the best as a finisher and it's kinda slow to dodge sneak attacks.

Last Position, Pelacor Bandit - I chose Pelacor Bandit as my finisher. It has great speed and damage to win the 1v1s. I also think it can dodge and avoid my attacks as well.


Analysis of The Battle

I thought this battle was an easy win and it was. This guy blundered and played a taunt unit and you can see why I advised to not use taunt for a lineup with ferocity. His wavebrood got completely installed kill on turn one which ended up making him lose the battle. I don't really like the ferocity ruleset as in most cases it does anything.


Thank You

If you made it here, thank you so much for reading all the way to the end. I appreciate the support and I hope you learned something new! Do you also think Ferocity doesn't do much except stop the taunt lineups? Why so angry though :) Because I'm better than you.

If you are interested in trying Splinterlands please use my referral link here.

If you did use my referral link, feel free to ask me for any help or questions. Thank you!



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