
Today, I had a pretty great day. I went to teach someone to take over one of my part time jobs. I also had some lunch at tealive and tried fried ice cream which I will share in an eating out post later this week. Anyways, I will be sharing three songs from Dena Euprasert for Three Tune Tuesday hosted by Ablaze.

Dena is a singer I found recently from Youtube. If I'm not wrong, she's from Thailand and I think she's underrated. I like how some songs are in Thai and some are just in English but today I will only be sharing her English songs. Her songs are nice so hopefully you listen to all the songs and let me know what you think in the comments.


#1. Dream - Dena Euprasert

I want to open with Forever. It's a slow yet beautiful song. Personally, I like the melody and the simple lyrics to this song. There isn't a lot of lyrics but I feel there's a lot of meaning in it. The song is about a relationship that may not be working so well and this can be interpreted from the first two lyrics "We’ve been thinking 'bout ourselves for a while now,We just keep putting ourselves first ". With this in mind, the person is questioning whether or not they will be ok if the relationship ends which can be interpreted from "Tell me when it’s the end, will I be alright". Despite all this, the person hopes that the relationship can be one that lasts forever.


#2. Sparkles - Dena Euprasert

Sparkles is another slow love song. Based on the lyrics, this song is about a relationship that is on the brink of ending or has already ended. The person doesn't want to let go and tries to find a reason to keep the relationship. I'm guessing the lyrics "whenever i see sparkles that look like your eyes" refers to the good times in the relationship. I think the sparkles in the eyes refers to that feeling when the person is in love, they only have eyes for that person hence the eyes sparkling.


#3. If I Could - Dena Euprasert

If I could is my favorite song by her and it's her most popular song. It's the song that I found on Youtube and got to know her. I love the lyrics and I love the melody with the piano accompanied by her amazing voice. In my opinion, the best part of the song is when she goes to the high notes. As for the meaning, it's a love song about choosing someone that the person no matter what happens. They would do anything to be with them such as swimming across oceans if it was possible.


Thank You

If you made it to the end, thank you so much for reading and listening. What do you think of Dena?

Please don't be afraid to share your three songs every Tuesday! Share the music share the love. Also do help out with the leoglossary with sharing music!



I do not own any of these songs and these are not my YouTube channels; it's just for fair use and sharing new music to everybody. All credit for these songs go to their singer🙏.

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