Everything in life is not fulfilled by Money

Happy Thursday everyone, friends.

The day started with very warm weather, the sky was clear, there was a lot of sunshine but after noon the sky suddenly started to become cloudy. The sky was cloudy for quite some time but still there was no rain. Then slowly the sky becomes clear again. Sometimes the environment plays tricks on us too.

Reality also sometimes changes our perception, arranges the surrounding situation a little differently and then everything goes back to normal. But our feelings are not normal, because feelings are such that once they are hurt, they don't want to heal easily or go back to their previous position. So we try to remember the trauma of difficult situations in different ways throughout our life.


Just as a broken glass cannot be restored to its original state, so are our minds and feelings. Maybe the broken glass can be repaired somehow, it can be reused but not restored. Just the feelings of our heart are like that, maybe you will be able to do many things later but you can't throw away that feeling or realization of the heart.

I have learned a lot from reality, I have learned a lot from mistakes because mistakes teach us real lessons and make the realizations more acceptable. See, you may be enduring many things due to time, you may be throwing away many hobbies due to lack, but then when your situation changes, when you have a lot of money, will you be able to bring them back? Or can you fulfill your passions?

That is not possible at all, I know you realize that too. Because the time that has passed today can never be brought back, the lack of which I am acutely aware of today may not be lacking tomorrow, but the sadness that is created in the heart today can never be erased by money. Wounds may remain wounds, perceptions can never be changed.


We think a lot of times, today we throw away hobbies, we cover the times in darkness, one day we will own a lot of money and then we will fulfill all our hobbies, but have you ever thought that it is not a waste?

Reality is much more cruel, once it happens it cannot be changed. Things that have been lost cannot be restored, as easily as we perceive them. I cannot understand the problems of life or the use of money so easily. This is where we get stuck and make mistakes.

After all, money is not everything in life. Yes, sometimes many things can be solved by money but money can never bring back the sense and understanding of life that has been lost. Money has value but it is always worthless to feelings, it is not possible to use money properly in all cases, it should not be forgotten.

Thanks all.




I am a determined girl, I want to take myself to great heights. I know the challenge is tough, but I still want to go ahead and test my abilities. I don't want to lose before I lose, but I want to win through struggle. I love to write, I love to express my imagination.

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