Back home


Yesterday I drove the regular 10 hrs to get back home again. I left Portugal at 6 pm and took the shortest itinerary which crosses a tiny river in the border of both countries, some 40 minutes after leaving the village I had been during the week.

The days have been very hot, exceeding 30°C, but nights are chilly. It was 12°C when I took this photo of the river while crossing the bridge.

After the first Kms driving in Spain in a local road before reaching the highway, I was able to see some pigs growing in the open field to end up becoming spanish known Jabugo ham. I stopped the car, rolled down the window and took the shot. The pigs will end up becoming food for humans, but at least, these ones have a good quality life in nature compared to the ones living in growing farms.


I stopped in Madrid to have lunch with friends and reached home a 10:40 pm. It was a long driving day, but cannot wait to do it again the opposite direction in a few weeks and start the stable and farm restoration.

Today is election day in Catalonia. I will vote and relax having lunch out with the family.

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