Mango's Younger brother and Death of Ladies Finger

August Hive Garden Journal

August Garden.png

It has been long time since I wrote my last garden journal and the reason for that is it's very difficult to grow anything in harsh summer. In fact I tried this year, but all the plants died as I wrote in this post, so after that I thought to restart after the summer. However, seeing those pots empty every day makes me feel bad, as I go to get flowers from our garden. So in mid June, I thought I would put some ladies finger seeds in few big pots instead of leaving them idle. And then I was behind one person in a private nursery of a big institution to share some all seasoned inca, and after many attempts, he finally agreed to give me some. They have cameras everywhere, so he just asked me to sit inside his office and got his boy to get those stems in a packet that won't reveal them. So I organized all the pots, cleaned the entire area, and put those stems in several pots.






Only five plants came up out of eight pots, so I used the other three as well for planting the inca stems.


And then this year, the rain has spoiled everything, it does not rain heavily, but it rains daily. As a result, the entire area gets full with grass pretty soon. However, the climate did help the stems to grow into plants.




You can see those ladies finger plants growing pretty well as well.


I put some Malabar Spinach seeds in these big pots, but they didn't come up, so tried it again. Hopefully they will listen this time.


Few days before when I walked to the garden in the morning, I saw this accident, damaging my Ladies Finger plants severely.


Just couple of days back, I had cleaned the entire area again, taking care of all plants and I was heart broken seeing this.



One plant was dead, couple other severely injured. I provided some support and plastered the injured stems, making them straight, so that they could heal themselves. The one on the front, had to be chopped off, hopefully it grows back new buds there. I wish, I had a better area where I could keep these pots, as these big stems are falling from the tree under which they are kept and there is very little I can do about it. This entire area was not used earlier, and after I have occupied it and made this beautiful, some people are envious about that too. Along with my garden, I also try to take care of the society garden, and planted couple of row of inca there as well. People will not bother to steal flowers, when they are grown up, so I am planning to put a CCTV this time. You simply can't change them politely. Hopefully, we will see beautiful flowers soon in September and also ladies fingers coming up. And then the entire Winter is ahead, so next six months will be all flowery and beautiful.


Ever seen this younger brother of mango and tasted it ? Mango is called Amb and this is Ambda (Spondias pinnata) in our local language. There are two varieties of it, one is sweet and anther sour. This one on our society is pretty sweet and very tasty even in raw. I got a lot of them, and then we prepared a mouth watering dish.




We also have this Carambola tree in our society, and they are ready to be consumed.



And the bael fruits have started growing, do you know they are the best medicine to fix any digestion issues ? Once they are matured a bit, you can burn them in a tandoori style and then you have the magic medicine to fix all your gut issues. Nature has given us so much, only we need to realize and utilize them correctly to stay healthy.


Shot with SONY α6400


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