Getting podcast chapters in 3Speak Podcast App

Hello 3Speak Community Members,

We're making some progress on 3Speak Podcast application.
I had a discussion with @brianoflondon. He suggested me to integrate Podcast Episode Chapters.

What's a podcast episode?

  • In this reference image, you can see on top - we are looking at no agenda podcast
  • First red arrow from top, points to the tile of the podcast episode.
  • Second red arrow, shows podcast description/brief.
  • Third one shows when it was published & length of the podcast episode.

What are podcast episode's chapters?

  • A podcast episode be lengthy.
  • Podcaster can decide it to divide it into several parts known as chapters.

  • Each chapter is highlighted as a sky-blue dot in podverse website
  • Upon clicking on it, you can jump to a specific chapter.
  • Each chapter can have it's own chapter-title & chapter-image.

How will I be able to view podcast episode chapters in 3Speak app?

Step 1. Launch 3Speak mobile app & tap on podcast icon

Step 2. You can browse many podcasts using trending, categories etc. I'm going to hit search button as indicated in screenshot below.

Step 3. Find the podcast of your choice. Tap on search result. In my case, I was looking for no agenda

Step 4. You can use this buttons to jump/skip the chapters back & forth. Upon tapping change chapter buttons, you can also see chapter-thumbnail & chapter-title updating on the screen.

How is mobile app getting chapters?

What do you think?

  • What do you think about these new Podcast Episode Chapters feature?
  • Do you like skipping chapters back & forth feature?
  • OR Do you want skipping episodes back & forth?

How to download the latest 3Speak Mobile App App?

Any other suggestions for 3Speak Mobile App?

  • Do you have any suggestion / Feedback / comment, please do share.
  • I will take a note of it & work on it whenever I get chance.

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