Curating the Internet: Business, leadership, and management micro-summaries for September 19, 2019

The interaction of models, data, and persuasion; Uber looking at Dallas for autonomous vehicles; GNU founder, Richard Stallman, resigns from MIT CSAIL and the Free Software Foundation; Ecuadorian data breach compromises 20 million, including 6.7 million minors; and a Steem essay on the change to enable beneficiary settings in

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  1. Using Models to Persuade - In the Abstract to this 72 page working paper, Harvard's Joshua Schwartzstein and Adi Sunderam describe their research into persuasion through the use of models - or likelihood functions - that organize past data in order to predict future data. They find that "persuaders" have the most leverage when there is a lot of noise in existing data, and the "recipient" can be influenced to perceive patterns in the noise that don't actually fit reality. Contrarily, models that fit the data better prompt less change in the beliefs of the "receiver". The authors also note that even being exposed to the true model often does not change the receiver's beliefs, because incorrect models might fit noisy data better.

  2. Uber will study Dallas as its possible next self-driving car market - Uber will start collecting data for computer simulations in November in oreer to evaluate whether or not to launch autonomous taxis in the city. In a blog post on Wednesday (September 17), the company said that self-driving systems may not launch immediately after the first round of data gathering, but they are excited about the possibility. Other markets where Uber is pursuing autonomous transportation inlcude San Francisco, Pittsburgh, and Toronto. The company's long term vision is, Uber for Everything and includes everything from transportation and food delivery to groceries and freight.

  3. GNU founder Richard Stallman resigns from MIT, Free Software Foundation - More fallout at MIT from their connections to Jeffrey Epstein. Apparently, Stallman was under pressure after making comments in defense of Marvin Minsky, who has been accused of inappropriate contact with a 17 year old minor. Not sure of all the ins and outs, but Stallman is a long-time influencer in the free software movement.

  4. Nearly everyone in Ecuador is the victim of a data breach - Ecuador, population 17 million, experienced a data breach that impacted 20 million people - including Julian Assange, the country's president, and 6.7 million minors. The breach was spotted by vpnMentor on an ElasticSearch server that was owned by the Ecuadorian company, Novaestrat. The country's Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) claims the breach was closed on September 11, and the manager of Novaestrat is being detained. Another case in support of my belief that we should all begin assuming that any corporation with access to our personal information has already been compromised.

  5. STEEM Sharing rewards (Beneficiary shares?) - Another exception to my usual, "no posts about Steem" practice, because I think this concept is really important for the ecosystem. @dana-edwards posts to acknowledge steemit's addition of beneficiary setting and writes up some ideas for making use of them. If I can pat myself on the back a little, this series has been assigning beneficiary awards to other users since April 25, 2019. (A beneficiary setting of 10% has been applied to this post for @dana-edwards.)

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