My BATTLE MAGE SECRET Weekly Challenge! Fog of War

Hello there, this is my entry to the latest "Battle Mage Secret Weekly Challenge!". If you want to participate or learn more about the challenge, click here. This week we have to formulate a strategy with the Fog of War ruleset.

RULESET: Fog of War

With the Fog of War ruleset in action, all units lose the Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity abilities.

This ruleset is quite easy to understand all the units will lose the Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity abilities. All these abilities change the normal flow of the attacks. With all these gone the attacks become quite normal and weaker units at the back will not be getting hits as much and will last much longer. Having strong and beefy units at the front of the lineup is very important in this ruleset.

Let's see how this ruleset affects my lineup and how I strategies for the following battle.

My Lineup

This is my lineup for the battle

Position 1
Grimbardun Fighter
Position 2
Chaos Agent

It was just a 14-mana cap battle and had only the 'Fog of War' ruleset which as we already saw will remove the Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity ability which will not affect this lineup so much.

All the elements were active during this lineup. I just had 14 mana to work with and it was tough to choose what I should do but I finalised the Tarsa as my summoner which gave +1 melee attack and +1 health buff to all my units.

I used the Grimbardun Fighter as my tank which costs 9 mana and I spent almost all of my remaining mana on this unit alone...why? Because it dealt 3 melee attack damage (which will get boosted to 4 because of Tarsa) and came with 1 armour along with a 'Shield ' ability it will be protected well. I wanted to use my summoner's buff on this unit and increase its attack even further which I did during the battle too. It also has a 'Corrosive Ward' ability so if my opponent decided to use a melee attacker which has a shield it would reduce that shield.

Next in my lineup was Chaos Agent which was a one mana cost unit and I placed it just for fun. In hindsight, I should have used it in the first position as it would be completely useful in the second position here. But anyway, it didn't have attacking strength and I didn't expect much from this.

I just had mana for these two units only, I knew I was taking a risk by putting everything on just one unit but it was a calculated risk!

Now that my lineup was set, it was time for battle.

I will share my battle here, which I have uploaded to YouTube.

My Strategy

As this was just a 14 mana cost battle, I had to utilize every drop of it carefully. I spent 4 on my summoner, Tarsa because I wanted to have a more attacking lineup and as the mana was low, heaving more health is always a great option and this summoner provided exactly that option to me.

I used the Grimbardun Fighter because it had a good amount of health and armour and this health was even harder to get rid of as it had the 'Shield' ability and 'corrosive ward'. It was a bit risky strategy but I wanted to use that 4 melee attack power to its full advantage.

This strategy, as you will see, worked in my favour and gave me a comfortable win at the end.

My opponent went with an interesting strategy. They used the Djinn Oshannus in the first position as their tank which is good against mages but not against raw melee strength.

I increased my Grimbardun Fighter's melee attack to 4 but still, it was not enough to get my opponent's Djinn Oshannus that easily.

The enemy units managed to get rid of my tank's armour at the start of round 2 and soon their Pelacor Conjurer got eliminated which made their entire lineup vulnerable to blast damage.

It looked quite close in the first couple of rounds. If there were any missed from my units then it would have been over. But I was lucky to not have any attacks miss and in the third round my Grimbardun Fighter managed to get rid of their Djinn Oshannus

We knew whoever struck first was going to be the winner in this battle.

As expected, the Xenith Archer didn't last long and was a sitting duck at the front of the lineup. This gave me a nice win at the end.


As you saw in the above battle, having attacking strength and ways to counter your opponent's aggression is important during the 'Fog of War' ruleset.

In this ruleset, most people use their strongest units at the front of the lineup and it makes sense too as the normal flow of attacks resumes and with no Sneak, Snipe or Opportunity ability, it is very tough to kill a unit without defeating the unit in front of it. So, the weaker units go towards the end while the units with the most defensive capabilities go towards the start of the lineup.

So, going back to the fundamentals of the game is good too and you don't have to worry too much about the placement of the cards and there will be very few surprises too. Let me know which one you prefer in this ruleset.

Thanks for reading...

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