Parisian Open-air gallery

Even though it was a cold day we couldn't sit inside, so we put on our jackets and went to explore the streets of Paris. It was much colder than we expected, and therefore we had to do some shopping too as we thought it was better to spend some money than spend some time with fever in bed.

From the moment that we left our hotel room we couldn't miss the large amount of street art in random places as well as pixelated art on facades of houses. I thought it would be interested to show you some of them, so let's go!

We noticed that there were books that you could take for free in several places. We have a similar concept where we live when you can take a book that caught your attention and in return you should leave a book that you think someone might enjoy. I love this idea of sharing, and I was lucky to find some good books too. However, here I didn't take any book as all of them were in French and my level of this language is not good enough to read a book.

I must admit that books were not what caught my attention at first, but of course it was Frida Kahlo dressed like a superwoman!


There were not many delicate murals, but this one made up for all of them. I don't know what I like more - the bird or the leaf, but probably it's them together.

It looks like it was a sunny day on this photo, but it wasn't. Only a couple of minutes before we came to this spot it was pouring cats and dogs, and we got completely soaked as umbrellas couldn't do anything against such storm.


I like that many artworks are placed in a way that they truly make the street prettier. This one adds so much colour to a rather boring street.


We didn't see Mona Lisa in Louvre, but we saw a couple of them in the streets. I must say that I prefer these ones to the original 😊


A great place for a cool photo - just imagine yourself standing in the middle...


This one was close to our hotel and we passed by every day on the way to a patisserie. It's one of my favourite ones as I liked the details and the expression on her face.


When you look up you will be surprised to see a lot of pixelated art, at least I was surprised to see it. I have learned that they are placed randomly, and initially the owners of the buildings would remove them, but now they became so popular that they prefer to keep them. It is indeed eye catching.

The artwork is created by somebody calling themselves 'Invader', and they do it to take the art out of the galleries and museums, to make it accessible for everyone. It's a French artist, and their work is now in many cities around the world.


Let me show you some of them...

If I would own a house in Paris I would be honoured to have this artwork on my property.


Some of them I couldn't decode. Here we have two people shaking hands, and one of them is in flames. Is it making a deal with bad forces, or is it a burning touch, or...?


Can you see one in this photo?

And it's another example of the weather - the storms and the sunshine were changing constantly.


Here is a typical pixelated artwork in yellow.
And have you noticed the bicycle? What an interesting way of parking!


I like how some of them use the details of the buildings. This one is holding onto it for his life 😊 And in the process lost some of his legs...


Dogs are common too...


And there are way too many aliens in all possible colours. This wall has multiple 'artworks' (yeah, I wouldn't call some of them like that), but the alien was what I wanted to show.


Bugs bunny! Makes me think of my childhood...


I'm trying to remember the name, but I really have no idea...


There are a few showing people as well...


Many of them are tiny, so you need to pay attention...


And quite a few of them focus on Smurfs 😊


Another alien...


This one is from Pac-man, isn't it?


I wonder how this artist chooses the theme as it's quite random - here we have a ceramic vase.


We saw a Smurfette too!


This one is difficult to spot, but look for the eyes and you'll find it.


Looks like Pac-man characters are their favourite...


Makes me think of NFT...


Inclusion, tolerance and acceptance - love the message in this one.


We're in Paris, so it's not surprising to find a bottle of wine...


I've just noticed that this is no pixelated, but it's still fun...


I think that the places are carefully selected. I was looking for the artwork, so I was paying the attention, but this one is placed so well that you can easily miss it.


Let me finish this post with a little bit of dancing...


And satire 😊


See you next time!

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