Which costs more?: Small durian feast in Singapore

It is durian season all over ASEAN right now, I thinkl!

Today I share a post on how much it cost to buy durian in Singapore. I bought it yesterday, Aug 2024, at a neighbourhood. I bet the durian must have came from Malaysia. I was told the durian came from Pahang, West Malaysia.

So, which would you think is the expensive one between the two?

One seems a little bigger, but both are considered small durians.

Maybe you can't tell. Let's check out the inside of the durian.

The one on the left is yellowish and seem more creamy. The one on the right seems a little wet.

Alright taste-wise, the one on the right taste bitter sweet. Well, it tastes like durian, no less. Just a little too messy to eat.

The one on the left. It is also bitter sweet. But the texture is smoother. I would say it is of better quality.

This is the devoured state!

You can see that some of the seeds are small. I think all of the seeds in the left durian were small and thin. This means that there is plenty of flesh in that fruit.

Now the price.

The one on the left cost approximately USD 7.70, while the one on the right costs USD 2.50. So that is triple the price!

Well, is it worth it?

They say durian is like cheese, and takes acquired taste to savour it. Some people will never bother eating the durian that aren't of high quality. I have not reached the stage yet.

So, whether you're a durian newbie or a seasoned connoisseur, remember: every spiky treasure has a story to tell – and a price tag to match!

Wherever you are in ASEAN, pray tell me how much durian costs in your neighbourhood. I might come over and eat it!

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