Rethinking Our Approach to Free Speech

You’d be surprised with how much disrespect some people will dish out to you in the name of ‘freedom of speech’. I always tell people that, no matter how much you think you have the right to freedom of speech, there are some things you don’t just say.


Everyone has the right to freedom of speech but sometimes I feel it’s best if some people didn’t have it.😂 Let me tell you why. As normal and functional humans, I expect that we should at least have the decency or should I say common sense to not say some things. When you hop onto the internet and even in the real world, you come across so many people spewing whatever comes to their mind to others all in the name of ‘freedom of speech’. What happened to having respect for one another? Where are our manners?


Growing up, I couldn’t even tell an elder he was lying because it was considered as in insult. Sometimes we take so many things for granted not knowing its implications on the other person. Especially here in Ghana, even little kids can just sit down and insult the president and other people and their parents would just look on because they also do same. Governing a country isn’t a one man job. Imagine someone who can’t manage a family of 5 bombarding someone who’s carrying the welfare of a whole country over his shoulders. I’m not a politician and this isn’t about politics, but sometimes the truth has to be said.


At times I sit and wonder. So, If my dad was the president of Ghana would I be happy hearing people say all these things about him? As they say, with power comes great responsibility. We most likely wouldn’t know how hard someone up there is trying for us until we are in his shoes. But you know, it’s human nature to always complain when things are not going in their favour.

Everyone has the right to freedom of speech but it is important that we pay attention to what we say. Do unto others what you want others to do unto you. If you don’t have anything reasonable to say, it’s better to stay quiet rather than cause someone pain. The right to freedom of speech doesn’t give you the right to say anything.

This is my entry to day 3 of the #mayinleo prompts. You can read more about it here

All images belong to me.

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