Britain has not gone Left Wing. Labour's on a Knife Edge!

Now the UK elections has had some time to settle down, I thought I'd express my own personal views on the whole thing.

For those who don't know, the last 14 years has been met with the Conservative party who have essentially spent 14 years slowly dismantling the country into an impoverished state in which quality of life caps out at about 5/10 even for the wealthy.

We're set up to be overtaken in wealth and quality by what was only a few years ago, 'poor' countries such as Poland, and we're already poorer overall than the poorest state of the USA, Mississippi.

After lying, lying, breaking promises, fumbling, corrupting, lying and backstabbing, everyone in the UK decided in this recent election to vote them into destruction, with a prominently glorious campaign called 'Zero Seats' main headed by the Conservative voter base themselves.

They didn't get 'zero seats' in parliament, but they did get the biggest loss in their entire history - the oldest political party in the world, to be clear.

So what do we get instead? The left wing Labour party, who got an almost record-breaking majority and now hold all the reigns of power to run the country.

... or do they?

Not... really?

Generally, when you get a stonking majority in the UK, you can essentially do whatever you want. There are other parties with seats that have a say, and typically a main opposition who holds the majority of the rest of the seats.

Typically it consists of the main two, Conservatives and Labour, then a sprinkling of others such as the Greens, Liberal Democrats, and various parties and independents representing those further to the left, right or specific regions/nations.

Sounds nice and democratic, right?

But something about this month's election was a bit off. In fact, it was the least democratic election in British History, and upon closer inspection, the Labour party's stonking majority is actually hanging on by a thread, and it is set up to endure a mighty shitstorm of problems in the coming years, which could potentially lead to a similar destruction in the following election.


If there's a town of 30,000 people, but only 1 person in total votes, then the party who this individual voted for wins the seat for that town.

You could, hypothetically, have just a few hundred people across the country vote for Labour, with zero people voting for anyone else, and Labour will control the nation.

This is an exaggerated form of what happened in this election.

Labour actually received fewer votes this time round than the previous elections - these prior elections got 3-5 million more votes for labour and suffered gargantuan losses.

In fact, of all the people in the country eligible to vote, only about 20% of them actually voted labour. And yet, they won 66% of the total parliament seats of power.

Take a look at this:


This graph shows the percentage of seats won by less than 40% of votes in each area across the UK.

2024 is looking pretty insanely disproportionate.

Here's another shocker:


Reform at the top is a brand new party with the goal of replacing the Conservatives. They quite impressively won about 15% of the voters, but due to the way the electoral system works, only won 5 seats out of about 650.

For 15% of the people's votes!

This chart shows that while reform needed about one million votes per seat won, Labour only required a fraction of that. Lib Dem above Labour had half a million fewer votes than Reform, and yet received about 15x the number of seats.

What does it all mean?

It means that there is a quiet, undulating underbelly of dissidence hiding just beneath the surface of Labour's seemingly huge win. Many people say while Europe is going right-wing, Britain bucked the trend and went Left. This couldn't be further from the truth.

The win for labour was a result of simply punishing the previous government for betraying the country over and over again. This election saw the lowest voter turnout, I think in history, with under 60% of voters actually turning up.

Of those who did vote, they were split far more than usual between Lib Dems, Reform and even independents. All Labour needed to do was keep their original voters voting for them. All the other voters, mainly conservatives, can split ways into their own little factions and Labour comes out victorious.

Ultimately, the results paint a very different picture to reality. Labour is a remarkably unpopular political party, only marginally preferable to the Conservatives we just ousted - but I'm not convinced even that preference will last.

You see, Labour are left wing, but the people are increasingly right wing. This alone will brew an uncontrollable level of dissatisfaction. Reform, for example, came second place in about 98 different places. They are all over the shop, just waiting to leap out in the dark when the of Labours failings arrive.

The Muslim Problem

There is an existential threat for Labour - and the country - in its Muslim population. Muslims in the UK have a tendency to put their beliefs first, the country second. There are numerous seats won in parliament on Middle-eastern politics - namely, Gaza & Israel - rather than anything to do with the UK. Including the Green Party, some of whom in victory gave a speech yelling Allahu Akbar in the name of Gaza. The Green party. Let that one sink in.

It won't be long until an Islamic Party becomes fully established and threatens to take chunks of power in the UK - 40% of British Muslims want to implement Sharia Law.

Many if not most of Muslims in Britain right now vote Labour. This is a problem for a few reasons.

  1. Labour is left wing. It's progressive, it has a huge liberal if you like, and go to great lengths to represent, support and celebrate LGBT ideology, freedom of sexuality and so forth. Islam is, well, less progressive, let's say. Islamic voters vote for Labour not because they support their progressive and liberal values. They have separate agendas.

  2. Labour is very pro-Israel. Muslims, less so.

  3. In the inevitable scenario where the Muslims form their own party, Labour's entire Muslim base will migrate over for their own sectarian interests. Similar to how the Conservative voters migrated over to Reform at the cost of their borderline extinction.

How the Labour party will appease their huge Muslim base AND their liberal base at the same time is beyond me.

It's quite possible, then, that in 5 years time Labour will enjoy a similar catastrophic wipeout that happened here in 2024. After all, they have basically no money left at all to really accomplish a single thing to appease the general population.

What can they even do about immigration, about housing, education, health services, all of which are in dire crises, crumbling at the seams. They promised very little during the election campaign because they didn't need to in order to win. Just sit quietly and watch their opponents destroy themselves.

Well, now they need solutions. I feel they have a damn sight better chance of accomplishing at least something compared to Conservatives, but I'm not holding my breath for any indication of improvement in quality of life for even a single individual (who isn't taking 'donations' in political office, anyway).

The managed decline of the country will continue as is, for as far into the future as any eye can see. We're simply deciding the nature of that decline and at what speed.

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