Little red dot


Although many times we find ourselves in situations where we cannot achieve certain goals because it is simply not the right time for them, some things happen exactly at the right moment. They come as a surprise, out of nowhere. The spark is lit and sent to the others - in my case, through a WhatsApp message my dad sent to me this afternoon. I was having some busy days, especially yesterday and today, with lessons, performances and all other usual chores - all accompanied by my faithful friend, Miss Migraine who decided to spend a few days with me. We are doing fine, don't worry. I take her everywhere I go as the activities should not stop... and she adapts quickly and follows me with joy. But getting back to the things that happen at the right time...

The message I got from my dad contained no words. Just two photos. As if he knew that today was time for Throwback Thursday, to recall some moments that happened 30, 40 or maybe 50 years ago. We don't need to reveal now the year this happened, right? 😁



Ok, you convinced me, I will tell you that little detail. The photos (from a photo album) my dad sent me were taken in May of 1983 by him. It shows a parcel with a huge hole dug in the ground, a shed, a big walnut tree, piles of excavated earth and sand, bricks, and a red dot.

Did you spot the little red dot?


That was me.

It is maybe one of our dearest family photos. That's the moment when the soil was excavated on that parcel my parents bought to lay the foundations for our new, family house.

We lived in an old house that I loved. We had a garden with roses and other flowers, and I have my first memories from there (I already talked about them in one of my posts). Despite that, my parents decided to build a big family house for all of us. The type of house that was usually built at that time had a basement with several rooms and a garage, a ground floor with a kitchen, living room, bathroom and bedroom, and an upper floor with several rooms. The front and back garden could not be missed, with flowers and trees.


That was the plan (that was achieved in a few years of construction) and the photos we have in this post are a reminder of where it all started. From a hole in the ground and a little red dot standing by it, btw accompanied by my sister and mother in the second photo.

And a strange car. 😁

It was the Winner of Time - as one announcement called it. This famous and modern car (in those times) served my parents for many years until they sold it and another French car arrived in our family. Do you recognise the brand of this car?


The construction of the new house lasted for a few years. We moved there when it was almost finished although some minor details were missing (which were added in the meantime). I lived in it for several years, until I went to another city for high school and later, college.

Some of my memories in the house... for example, playing in the cockloft - it was hot there in summer, under the roof and waiting for my mom to come home from work. And the complete opposite - having snow in the yard and snowballing with my sister and neighbours. The last photo in this post was taken some 15 or 20 years ago... the tall walnut tree was still there, behind the house.

Thanks, Dad, for sending these photos at the right time today!


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