Life is better at the beach


I saw that message on the decorative board of a beach bar, that life is better on the beach. We can agree with that, to some extent, since I won't rule out mountains, and even larger urban areas. It's no secret that I like to spend my time there. I would let myself be carried away by the charm of the night lights of a big city, or by the sounds of the traffic that reigns there. Yes... but not forever. And if it's summer, the asphalt and concrete make the temperature sometimes unbearable.

The sea, on the contrary, brings the breeze, the smell of salt, and the freshness of its water. But can it become boring, to always have easy access to the seashore? Is life indeed better at the beach?


It certainly depends on our ability to spot the little details that make the difference. This walk happened next to the same sea with its unvaried colour but was seasoned with some elements that gave more flavour to the walk.


Let's see for example these parasols. They are made of natural materials which I think is esparto grass. Standing on that sun, day by day, and not losing their charm. They also respect the wild, natural look of this beach (the exception here is the pile of plastic sunbeds). Still, there is something more interesting that brought me a smile.


The boats!

To be more precise, the artistic details that I saw on some boats. 😊


A white-bearded gnome with a long, loose hat sends us his greetings. He shares this boat with other drawings that are not finished or their colour already faded, I am not sure. In their barely visible version, we see a dragon, a dinosaur, and a cow... (don't ask me how a cow comes here, to this tale of dragons, gnomes and dinosaurs 😂)


The story continues on the other side of the same boat with a blond fairy, with a rose in her hair. Is she daydreaming about the gnome maybe? We should ask the person who drew them - and why he/she decided to use this boat as a canvas. A pity - we don't know who it is.



Just a few boats away there was another little boat, actually a canoe that also served as a canvas for someone's artistic expression. Such a nice combination is the yellow with blue, green and red. The sign of peace and some flowers on the other side - that canoe must bring happy moments to its owner.



We arrived at two beach bars that were still not open at that time of the morning. This one is the famous El Cranc (The Crab), founded some 40 years ago. It got its name from its owners who saw one night the crabs climbing from the beach to the little terrace before it was officially opened.


Iron Crab - on the other side of the beach bar, to confirm the name of the place. 🦀


The other beach bar with its wooden construction was the place where I saw the decorative inscriptions. There is a recipe of the family, with the ingredients how to be happy. The Spanish speakers have an advantage here as they can understand...


Well, maybe I should try to bring the recipe in English. It goes something like this...

5 cups of love + 2 tablespoons of joy and good mood
A handful of patience
3 teaspoons of complicity
a touch of tenderness
mix gently with 3/4 cup of respect
prevent clumps of fights and bad moods
add 1/2 tablespoon of confidence
and knead with a pinch of dedication.
Bake and decorate with lots of hugs and kisses.


The other wooden board says:

LIVE every moment
LAUGH every day
LOVE always


It seems that it was not a boring walk for me... getting back to the quote that started this post... if we modify it a bit, we could say that life is definitely nice at the beach. :)



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