Splinterlands 6th Anniversary | Splinterlands #363

Huge congrats to splinterlands on their 6 year birthday. It is a huge milestone not just for a crypto-based company but for any company, it is a huge milestone. We need to be mindful that the project started in 2018, which was at the onset of the 17/18 crypto bear market and for 2-3 years it continued to build and endure the long crypto winter.



In 2021, and with the explosion of the NFTs boom, some calling it the Gary-V boom (sorare saw similar adoption), we saw a massive adoption and users streaming into splinterlands. At the time, we also saw the release of SPS in July 2021. And man, those were golden times, when we saw the price of SPS hitting past $1+.

Once the NFT bubble burst in early 2022 and the general crypto market went into an extended cyclical crypto market bear period, splinterlands were not spared. Even through this period, the splinterlands dev team continues to build and deliver releases---some releases more successful than others and others causing a huge commotion in the community.

I have been playing splinterlands since the middle of 2020, when I by chance discovered it when I was looking for a crypto game. I will be grateful for the game as it introduced me to a whole realm that I did not know existed before. Also, it introduced me to many people who I follow and read daily. While the state of the game and where we currently at is at an impasse -- failing card prices, splinterlands tokenomics on the decline, and not seeing an influx of new players to the game. Regardless, I still have faith in the splinterlands team to continue to build even during this difficult. The team continues to be transparent and has a clear strategy and roadmap for the rest of the year.

For my own personal journey, I continue to enjoy playing the game and writing about the game and has turned into a weekly side hobby passion that I dedicate quite a bit of time to. Each piece of content I produce for the splinterlands game takes between 90 and 180 minutes, so it requires a time commitment, but I thoroughly enjoy it.

Jungles of Thece Land Update and SPS 100k Target



As mentioned above, the splinterlands tokenomics are not looking pretty and with the downtrend, it makes these weekly updates pitiful reading. At this rate, the Land plot investments will not be paid off and I will probably need to write it off as a learning experience. This is not financial advice, but if you believe that DEC gets back to its peg, this is a decent trade as DEC is $0.25 off its peg, but then who knows how things will pan out. The flywheel effect has been subdued of late and I wonder if this is the cause of DEC falling way below its peg.

Land Overview



  • Total Spent: $267.524
  • Amount Regained: $3.84 (304 SPS post-tax) (+$0.01)
  • Payback Period: 19.39 years (-1.94 years)
  • Annual Percentage Rate (APR): 5.16% (-0.57%)

** Based on the current price of SPS ($0.0126)*

SPS Staked

  • SPS Staked: 66875 (+1361 SPS)
  • Progress to 100k target: 66.8% (+1.36%)


Are you new to splinterlands and want to learn to play the game? Check out my Ultimate Guide to Splinterlands: A Collection of Articles and Guides. If you enjoy reading my splinterlands content, please follow and support me by signing up to playing splinterlands through my affiliate link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=mercurial9.

Thank you for reading and hope you have a good rest of the day!

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