Freedom for Kechi Fishing Village

Real life has been difficult for me over the past week. I have been fighting for my health and time, but now it's all fine; my health has improved, and I can continue my adventure in the world of Tsushima. I am so excited!

Today, I stepped into the world of Tsushima, travelling south-west of Castle Kaneda. Kechi Fishine Village was in trouble; the Mongol army had taken over, and the villagers ran for their lives, seeking shelter in the forest.

As I rode my horse and cautiously entered the village, I noticed the bodies of two villagers lying on the ground near the entrance. Blood was covering the ground, showing how cruelly the Mongol army murdered these villagers.

I leave my horse at the village's entrance and start to approach the first house. The mission was to eliminate the entire Mongol army, and while doing so, make sure three captured hostages were safe and rescued.

I came with full body armor—samurai warrior body armor. Facing a Mongol army that doesn't wear full warrior armor was a joke and an easy kill. It's overkill, if I say so.

I continue to roam around; I never do sneak attacks this time. Here came the spearman. His appearance was only to get kicked to the air, staggered, and killed by my sword.

Then, I reach nearby the river, where the first villager was held as hostage. Five Mongol army came at me with their own weapons, ready for combat. While the four aiming toward me, one of the Mongol army heading toward the hostage. He wanted to kill the villager. I need to kill that one first to prevent the mission from failing.

Yea, I succeeded in eliminating the enemy before he could inflict damage on the villager. While my sword was piercing at the body of the enemy, the four remaining Mongols rushed towards me, really angry to see their teammates get killed.

I activated my Heavenly Strike skill three times. All those three attacks killed three enemies instantly; it even cut their right hand, all three of them.

The one remaining enemy was so terrified that he ran away after seeing all three killed in seconds.

The first hostage has been rescued. He walked bravely beside me, as if he wanted to follow me to search for the remaining two hostages.

The second hostage was located in a house near a vegetable farm. I encountered a shieldman guarding the house. I drew my sword, and his blood started to cover the farmland.

A spearman noticed his teammate lying on the ground and rushed towards me with his long spear. And again, Heavenly Strike is an instant kill for an enemy without proper armor.

Heavenly Strike was my main attack power today. It was fun to see the enemy killed in just one strike. Another enemy was down, guarding the food supply outside the house.

Before I enter the house, a spearman attacks me. I dodge it and give him a taste of true samurai skill. His spear slipped from his grasp before he fell.

One remaining Mongol was with the second hostage. I enter the house and quickly end his life before he does anything harmful to the hostage.

The second hostage was so happy when I freed him. I told him to go and tell the others to return to the village because soon this village will be free from Mongols.

I climbed up the watch tower to look for the last hostage.

There was no enemy guarding outside the house when I reached the final location.

The shieldman tried to attack me, but I dodged it and made a quick counterattack when he was about to attack me again. The counterattack killed him.

A swordman came, swung his sword, and I parried it. The effect of the parrying was amazing. I was lucky enough to get the screenshot taken. The hostage bowed down his head as low as he could to avoid getting in trouble while the fighting was going on.

The swordsman got his body pierced. That's the end of his role.

Man, the bloods.

It is so realistic that even the hostage eyes are really aiming at the blood. And what's with that face!? xD

The final hostage has been rescued.

After all the hostages had been rescued, all the villagers that were hiding in the forest returned to the village. They started to rebuild the village once again. The village is back to life, and freedom is for them once again.

The villagers started working, farming, and fishing again. Just like before, the Mongols took over.

So that's all for today. Thank you so much for your support, until next adventure in the Tsushima World! Have a nice day! Goodbye!

Note : All photos were screenshots taken by me while playing Ghost of Tsushima game. My thumbnail picture was edited using PixeLab apps, and it is my face with samurai's attire generated by ToonMe app

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