Curate your comments, here.... have a brick

This might sound like I'm teaching you a bad thing. As if I'm telling you some sort of evil mind trick to maximize your blogging efforts, and maybe that's not too far from the truth. But, I think I would hesitate it to really label it under "evil" because the intention is not bad per say, and it's surely a win/win scenario.
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I've beaten the horse to death so much, I will attempt to leave it alone as much as possible. But, I could not possibly continue the current idea I'm trying to convey without one tiny little kick on the solar plex. This platform (Steemit) is not a content driven platform, at least not yet. You could say, that was the original idea, you could say it should be, you could say we oughta make it so. Yes, I'm with you, I want it, let's do it. - That was like 20 kicks to the horse, lets stop now.

You know however what this platform can currently excel in? - Interaction. Yes, we don't need to be trending to maximize our interactions with other people and develop those valuable relationships.

I'm only sharing this because I see plenty of pretty decent authors, pretty decent content creators (meaning the quality of their posts), although that description is subjective. These authors type away, video away, upload music away (that's not how you say it, but muh flow) and get little interaction on their posts. I can't help but to wonder why this is the case.

What if..

They are terrible comment curators too. What if when someone bumps into their publications, they don't capitalize in that very moment. They don't respond to the questions, to the concerns, or if they do, they shit-comment/respond. Yes, there, I just said it. Authors, good authors can be shit-commentators too.

Of course my observations might be anecdotal, so they can't be taken as some sort of general truth. However, if you read this, and you felt like I was talking about you... I was talking about you. But, know that I'm just doing this because I actually care.

I use all my vp... all of it, to curate my comment section. Hence the reason why its dusted all the time, because of my "strategy" - I don't want to be having these conversations with myself. What for? I never listen to me anyways. So I need to circle the wagons, and put some interactive bait for other brains to partake of.

Evil? - Not really... but 100% intentional...

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• Unlimited content editing - New Steem Feature

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