Navigating High Prices with Eco-friendly Choices"

Can things just be as normal as it is before, actually that is a question which already has answer to but many are yet yo give answers to it by themselves because of the things ehich they believe might not be right at the end.
So looking at the recent hike of price in the country and how things tends to turn out, we can say most people who sell stuffs are trying really hard to blend with the economy of the country but even at that, there are lot of things to be considered in terms of money wise and making profits through sale from customers and all other factors because it might look like extortion.
Reason for saying this was because of my recent occurrence with some market sellers who sell thing around where i stay and things are really cost there without any hope of bringing it down so the last time i decided to get some foodstuffs for myself around that area because i am a type of person that do love to get things myself, so i took an amount of money to the market which is around $49 just to get few things but on getting there i realised that it was not up to anything that i intend to get. So literally i just got that few things with that amount ao everything won't just be dry at home.
After two weeks, i wanted to get that same set of things which i got the other time but i was not getting it at my area so i decided to send the money to someone at a bit distance away.

Funniest thing i just sent $22 and when i got what i sent for, it was like the amount i got things for $49 so i had the thought of the price range and difference in the market, which i thought price do differs due to location but the price range should not have been too far from eachother so i thought most sellers do add more money to their market depending on the demand of people around.

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