5 Hard Truths I Learned From Art


Art can be the opportunity to get what you want in life or a big headache. People will usually tell you that this depends highly on how much effort you put to it, how much you network to get that precisely elaborated masterpiece to get noticed and, without question, that a certain amount of luck is also needed.

Hard Truths

Whoever says that effort/constancy/luck is the only thing you need to be successful with art or related topics is telling you only a half of the whole process. And without the proper information, many people gets frustrated.

And frustration will get you nowhere, and will take your motivation with it. That’s why I decided to share some of my observations right off the bat, so you can take your precautions:

First: It is not only about Effort

The “Hard-work/Effort” speech can be treacherous. Although you need to do an excellent job before even thinking about money or benefits, focusing only on miscalculated efforts will bring you nothing but bad results.

The key concept to understand here is that you must put your heart and soul to your art, and that includes the appropriate strategy. Brute forcing doesn’t always ends in good results for all artists.

Make sure to work properly, efficiently but also smartly. Then you will see that hard work will turn in something you really enjoy (and with benefits included).

How do you do this? Elaborate artworks that bring some benefit to others.

Where people sees benefits, people goes. And where people goes, there goes money.

Second. It’s also a matter of Connecting, Talking and Networking

Humans are social beings. No communication, means no survival in our way of living.
And by not doing the necessary networking and relationship tasks/duties, your artworks could be lost into oblivion without yourselves even noticing.

For example, just take a quick look on the Instagram explorer and search page, and what do you see? Thousands of beautiful and properly elaborated artworks in abandoned profiles or niche pages because of a poorly planned diffusion strategy or the wrong reasons.

Make sure to form the right connections, and your pieces will start getting more views and attention.

Thrid. If you don’t have the patience, forget about it…

Art is a matter of patience. Every sketcher knows this, especially when a valuable drawing or masterpiece could take you around 100 to 200 hours to complete in some cases.

If you’re not willing to be patient your pieces will be crowded by mistakes. And those mistakes mean less views, attention, and if that’s your objective, money. Make sure to put the necessary time in what you want to achieve, otherwise you’re wasting your time.

Fourth. You can’t be afraid of making radical changes

Radical changes in your art or niche are acceptable as long as they meet two conditions:

• They’re done in a fast, sudden way.
• You apply these changes between long periods of time.

What does this mean? Take quick decisions but change them slowly. Only then you will start noticing good results in your projects.

Fifth. If you’re elaborating art for money, don’t feel bad about it

If you have skill in assembling galleries or expositions, drawing or another type of art niche and want to make money, don’t fall into the prejudice that all artists are broke or that you should not do it because “you must love it”.

With the proper constancy, smart work and talent you can make a good bucks from it. Just don’t feel bad about the fact getting some cash from your artistic skills.

New perspective

2019 is the year you can get unstuck, you can do it. Make sure to work hard, but also smart. Focus on doing a good job but also make sure you’re giving it the proper promotion and you will shine between the herd. Bet on it.

Instagram: @nexuspromote

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