Graduation portraits - Monomad challenge.

Yesterday a friend graduated from university and she invited me as her photographer to take some photos of this special day for her and as a good passionate photographer I couldn't miss the opportunity to take some photos as beautiful as this ones!

I will use this photos as an entry to the #monomad challenge contest

This was the first photo I took of her as soon as she left the auditorium, this photo is very pretty because you can see the joy of her and her family:

Ayer una amiga se graduó de la universidad y me invitó a como fotografo a tomarle algunas fotos de este dia tan especial para ella y yo como buen fotografo apasionado no podia perder la oportunidad para hacer unas fotos tan lindas como estas!

Usaré estas fotos como entrada al concurso #monomad challenge

Esta fue la primera foto que le tomé apenas salió del auditorio, esta foto es muy linda porque se ve la alegria de ella y su familia:

After that we moved to a larger place where there were not so many people to take the respective photos with her relatives, starting with her parents who were very proud of her:

Despues de eso nos movimos a un lugar mas amplio donde no hubiera tanta gente para tomarle las respectivas fotos con sus familiares, empezando por sus padres que estaban muy orgullosos de ella:

Afterwards I took a photo of her with her husband, who is also my best friend:

Despues le tomé una foto con su esposo, quien tambien es mi mejor amigo:

And after photographing her with her family and friends, we began to take graduation portraits, so that she would have some professional photos that she could treasure throughout her life:

Y despues de fotografiarla junto a sus familiares y amigos comenzamos a hacer los retratos de graduacion, para que ella tuviera unas fotos profesionales que pudiera atesorar durante toda su vida:

I proposed the ideas of the poses so that it could be a photo session very allusive to the graduation and obtain this beautiful results:

Yo propuse las ideas de las poses para que fuera una sesion de fotos muy alusiva a la graduacion y obtener estos resultados tan bonitos:

Then my friend told me that she wanted the typical photo where she appears throwing her cap in the air, so we went to a more open place and made it happen:

Luego mi amiga me comentó que queria la tipica foto donde sale ella tirando el birrete al aire asi que fuimos a un lugar mas abierto y la hicimos realidad:

At this point we were already happy with the photos obtained and we were already leaving, when we were walking towards the cars I saw this metal structure with lines that I could use to make a frame of guide lines so I told my friend to stand in the center to take some photos there:

A este punto ya estabamos contentos con las fotos obtenidas y ya nos estabamos, cuando ibamos caminando hacia los carros vi esta estructura de metal con lineas que pudia usar para hacer un encuadre de lineas guia asi que le dije a mi amiga que se pusiera en el centro para hacerle algunas fotos alli:

In the end we were all super happy with the photos and I hope you liked them as much as we did!!

Al final todos quedamos super felices con las fotos y espero que a ustedes les hayan gustado tanto como a nosotros!!

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