Recapping My June Activities / HPUD!

July is here with us and here's me wishing you all a pleasant new month. The month of June which was actually my birth month went well. Some success stories were recorded but it didn't end without challenges. You know both of them go hand and foot.

For starters, about two weeks back I made a post about the Dreemshare presentation that will be coming be coming up at a later date. I also mentioned that the presentation is part of the Gobrunch / Dreemport collaboration Challenge and that I and other amazing dreemers will have the opportunity to make our presentations on different topics.

The event happened on Friday, 28th June, 2024 and it was a huge success. Infact it was da bomb, hehehe. It was both a wonderful and memorable experience with lots of knowledge gained.

That presentation was actually a first time experience about such things and truthfully I was afraid, anxious how I was going to handle it. I almost thought of backing out but I decided to face my fears and was glad I did because I performed beyond my expectations. Infact I wowed myself and that's my first success story for the month of June.

One of the things I resolved to do for this year is to be intentional about my activities here on Hive with regards to engagement, publishing of contents, curation and supporting the projects of the various communities that I belong to plus that of the ecosystem in general.

For the daily post publishing, I was able to complete the 30 days and now I have the Busy Bee Badge added to the other badges.

It wasn't easy to achieve this because there were some days that I got tight schedules that squeezing out time to create a post seemed difficult or that I got home tired but I still pushed myself to do so because I had a goal to achieve.

Coming to curation, beside other ones that I did in other communities, I was able to complete the weekdays curation on Dreemport and I got my streeks too. It should have been a complete streek but one streek was freezed because I accepted a post which didn't pass the guild vote. So losing one streek was the penalty. I felt bad though but I learnt my lessons so I will add more carefulness while curating posts, going forward.

We all know that there has been lots of developments and new features in the Inleo UI which has made using the frontend so seamless. Big ups to the team. Inleo is now a busy place that almost everyday of the week, Spaces are held, notably #AMA on Tuesdays, Chain Charter on Wednesdays, Lions Den on Fridays etc. And while these spaces are live on X and some on both X YouTube, a #threadcast is set up for them on threads. In the threadcast, lions come together to engage, ask questions, make suggestions including feedbacks while listening to the spaces.

Not only is the threadcast meant for only when spaces are on, anyone can set up the threadcast with any interesting topic of choice and have lions join in. The threadcast not only encourages engagement, it increases activity on threads and also feeds the LeoAi with information. For now there has been #thepartytime, #foodtalk, #technology / #ai, #photography and so many others which some lions set up everyday.

As a way of showing support to the initiative, I recently started the #newsonleo threadcast and it's been going on well with active support from lions.
The highest comment count recorded is 90 and this is awesome.
This for is also another great success in June.

This is more or less like my little project on Inleo. Infact starting this threadcast should have come earlier than it did in June but I was just being nonchalant about it, and that was one mistake I made. But now that it has, I hope to commit more to it this July and I call on everyone to be part of it.

Once you come on threads, look at the top feed, you'll see my profile and that of others. Engage in it, share any news content you have, even those from the grapevine, lol.

Join me let's do it together each day, and you know that's another way of earning micro income. I'm sure you get the drill, hehehe.

Now for the #juneinleo initiative, I did not participate much, but for July, I hope to do more. I encourage you to do so too.

Making July a better month will entail more commitment, and showing up everyday. Spending at least an hour in the community everyday will greatly improve my activity and as as such help on the growth of the community.

Happy Hive Power Up Day!

It's the first of July, and an auspicious day on Hive because it's #hpud so I won't end without me participating.
So for this month, I also powered up 20 Hive and with this I have a total of 1905 HP, amazing.

I'm so excited by it because this has taken me a step further to reaching 2k HP before year 2024 ended.

My HBD savings also increased to 190 HBD.

I won't fail to talk about the success of my leo goals, too. As of today I'm at 8,511. 79 LP. Every little drop of the token counts.
July will be better, no doubt.

Thank you for reading...

This is my #julyinleo entry for day 1.

Thank you to the #cleanplanet community and to @nwothini335 for putting up this topic

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

All Images Are Screenshots From The Sites

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