Mass indoctrination day 5


I learnt that fasting and prayer is very crucial and
Important in our lives as christians.
Fasting is one way to loose the bound of wickedness in our lives.
I learnt that when we want to fast we should make sure our hearts are pure,we let go of our hatreds,grudges and if when someone is unable to pay what they owe you,let it go and make the free from the debt before you observe such fasting and praying.
I also learnt that when we fast and pray our prayers get speedy response and during fasting we should not keep the food but give such foods to those who need it at the time of the fast,if we see those who have filthy clothes or are naked,we should cloth them.
I learnt that when a married couple want to observe fasting and praying,they should abstain from sexual activities for the time they agreed for the fasting and praying.
Science even backed up the Bible in the aspect of fasting and praying.
Fasting can help regenerate the dead body cells in the body.
I learnt that when we fast we should not let others know that we fast because its not them that we answer our prayers and we should not put on a sad countenance on our faces so that people wont be asking what is wrong with us.
I learnt that when we need an extra speedy answer over crucial issues we have,fasting and praying is what we should do and observe

I learned that as a woman,her body should not be seen by others but only her husband because her body belongs to her husband and marriage should be bed undefiled at all times.
Dont wear tight clothes outside for others to be lusting after you .
As a woman,I learnt that she should not be a tool of the devil thereby making men lust after your exposed body or dressing indecently because whoever that looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her.
I also learnt that women are the weaker vessels and as such husbands are to respect and cherish their wives do unto them according to the knowledge of God .
I learnt that it is said in the Bible that if a woman is in her monthly cycle,she should not be asked to engage in any sexual activity by her husband until the time of her monthly period or cycle is passed
Husbands and Wives were admonished to dwell peacefully in the word of GOD so that their prayers will be answered at all times
One of the major requirements of a husband as a christian is to be a responsible husband and father and he must be able to provide for his family legally and genuinely.
I learnt that husband is the head of the wife and the wife is a subject unto her husband.
I learnt that a man cant cover his head during prayer or
In the church because if a man covers his head while praying,he dishonors his head while the woman is to cover her head and hair during prayer and in the church but if she does otherwise,she dishonors her head.

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