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May 16, 2017
Chasing Waves - South East Asia - Sailing Phang Nga
Chalong bay was pretty at a distance. Upon riding up into it, the lawlessness of the traffic flow remained much the same from land to sea. The “me first” mentality that was present on Thai roads still
$ 0.135
Chasing Waves - South East Asia - Kata Noi
By the next morning we met for coffee and Kata Café. Trucks spewing black clouds crammed with Burmese immigrants shuttled off to surrounding construction sites, a tiny street sweeper wearing a broad rimed
$ 0.000
Chasing Waves - South East Asia - Regatta and waves
Chasing Waves – Regatta and Waves The old timber mast groaned and flexed hard under the strain of the sudden gust. Captain Chris Blaire settled deep on his heels while becoming the single stabilizing mechanism
$ 0.000
Chasing Waves - South East Asia - North Again
Chasing Waves – North Again With the fresh memories of the latest surf and sail excursion being added to the stack of adventures gone by, there remained a week of free time before the sailing regatta season
$ 0.000
Chasing Waves - South East Asia - Mergui
By late morning we were well on our way. Our departure out of Kawthaung was worth a few celebratory remarks. Hard words spoken by hard people who lived on hard times, all existence seemed plagued by neglect
$ 0.000
Chasing Waves - South East Asia - Andaman Coast
The short flight south gave credit to why millions decide on descending here annually. The squared off agricultural zones south of the great city led on to the narrow mountainous region known as the Isthmus
$ 0.000
Chasing Waves - South East Asia / Bangkok to the Andaman
Chasing Waves – South East Asia / Bangkok to the Andaman Bangkok at 4 45 a.m. was likened to that of a slack tide. That moment in time when things were neither coming nor going but remained somewhat still
$ 0.000
Chasing Waves - Years Later
Chasing Waves – Years later The years flew by and while the sails remained full, the times spent chasing waves spread farther apart. Pops had less inclination to be heading off and traveling as he had
$ 0.132
Chasing Waves - Thailand
Chasing Waves – Thailand The Kings Cup Regatta that was being held from Dec 5th to the 8th in Phuket Thailand had just come to close. At the awards ceremony on the beach at KataTani Hotel, back dropped
$ 0.051
Chasing Waves - Indonesia
Pops was not a diehard surfer for the most part, but in his recipe for travel, he did his best to incorporate the surf. His love for sailing had brought him too many area of the globe and some of his most
$ 0.000
Chasing Waves - Hawaii
Traveling to Hawaii was a big deal. Not only because we had to cover the entire continental U.S and then a quarter of the Pacific Ocean there, but it a big deal because Hawaii was the said to be the birth
$ 0.307
Chasing Waves - Baja x 3
According to those who knew the terrain, the drive south was going to include what most Baja trip always served up . My father "pops" spoke of these setbacks, these expected interjections, as
$ 0.000
Chasing Waves - Baja continued
The landscape was much how you would imagine Mars to be. Rough and lifeless terrain periodically disrupted by a variety of cacti going by names of cardon, cholla, pitaya, cochal, senita. My father loved
$ 0.000
The Reminder - 151 - 160
With out looking up to meet my eyes, and on queue with commencement the second play of the song, Frank began reciting from words written on the sheets of paper held within his now trembling hand, words
$ 0.000
Chasing Waves - Baja
Summer time in Baja California. The fuse had been lit long ago, and led by the youth like enthusiasm of my father and friends, our journeys to the surf were many. The Baja trip was just one of such outings
$ 0.000
Chasing Waves
Who are these people? People from all corners of the globe traveling in search of this momentary bliss. What treasure have they found? What is pacified by communing with the ocean in this way? What is
$ 0.000
The Reminder - 131 - 150
the fact that because he was on prescription, most of what he was saying remained barely audible. Returning to room I picked up the phone and dialed Sharon and found that only her voice recorder was on.
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The Reminder - 121 - 130
Looking to my watch, I found that Annie was due to possibly enter her first potential round of dream state observation in about a half hour. Within fifteen minutes Sharon called and confirmed this to be
$ 0.000
The Reminder - 107 - 120
his now slow responsive left side and his nagging knee injury, the combination of the three made it clear he was going to need someone close to help out in basic needs. “I am really sorry for the intrusion
$ 0.000
The Reminder - 96 - 106
extending outwards towards me. Her mouth moved oddly out of time with a voice that came through with a pure, soft tone of clarity. “You are the key… break the cycle… bring freedom home for the four of
$ 0.000

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