The Very Hungry Caterpillar

One of my dear friends and favorite photographers, @markangeltrueman, is back sharing his photography once again.. and I’m pretty happy about it. He seems to have found some inspiration again through one of our new tribes, @creativecoin.

To me this is the point of tribes.. to help people find their community. Find the content that inspires them and the economic system they agree with.. not to mentioned seeing great content rising to the top.

I hope to see more of it, as I think it’s the key not only to onboarding, but also retention. And pretty much everyone in business can agree how insanely important the second is for long term success.

Anyways, we were chatting about photography and I shared that I was not inspired at all lately, and rarely even picked up my camera. He had the idea that we should help inspire one another, and push each other to share our photography more. Even if it’s just a single photo.

So.. here is a photo I took a few weeks ago and loved. I hadn’t posted as I didn’t have anything that really went with it to make a “complete post.”

I’m pushing myself out of that mentality though, and will be pushing myself to post the photos I love.. to hopefully help me find that inspiration again.. even if it is just one photo.


The Very Hungry Caterpillar - August 2019

Much Love,


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