Waller as a Girl 🐳

Holo! 🤩

Happy Sunday, everyone! 🥰

I'm here yet again to draw another creature in human form. Do Whales ever terrify you? 😁 I know some people freak out when they see or even thought of whales. 😆 Probably including me too, haha! I do not like big things or feeling that I am small. 🙃 The last time I felt it was when I was in an Elephant "barn" where they put the animals to rest. Thai Elephants are freaking big! 😆 One sway would unalive me, haha!

Anyway~ This is my art process of Waller as a girl.

Art Process



Sketching using a different color for easier trace later on I was thinking of putting some design on the jacket but scratched that and made a plain color instead. Short hair would be cuter with a wink expression. The eyebrow was supposed to be a normal one, but thought of changing the swirly just like what Waller has. Next, I used a solid brush to do the lineart.



Next was applying the base color. I wanted the hair to be white or pale green but then I decided to leave it as a gradient hair. The blue part would be at the bottom and then it gets whiter as it goes to the top. The purple eyes were the same as Waller's.



Here, I introduced more lighting and color glow. I added a faint purple glow in the hair just to match the color of the eyes. Added some texture on the coat to not make it appear plain.

Final Art

wallerhuman1 2.png

On the background, I used a bubble brush that I downloaded on the asset store. I used the same brush to make bubbles in front of the character. Lastly, I picked a texture mask in a lower opacity for canvas texture.

Finished art! 🥰

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My referral: https://holozing.com?ref=jijisaurart

Software: Clip Studio Paint Pro

That is it for this art blog. I will see you at the next one!
📸 All photos are owned and taken by me, otherwise credited.


👾 NFT Showroom: nftshowroom.com/jijisaurart
🥰 Open for commissions!!! DM me at Discord! Username: Jijisaur


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