Irreplaceable parental care

We are living in a digital world, and technology has been so impressive in the last few decades that it seems magical. Technologies came to make our lives better and more comfortable, and it made many things easier for us. From this perspective, technology is friendly to humans, and that's the main purpose of technology.

At the current time, using technology, most of the tasks can be done automatically by automated machines or something else. It is saving lots of effort and time. Naturally, most of the tasks can be performed with fewer human forces. Moreover, the recent development of AI is so impressive that it has increased the effectiveness of work. Naturally, many people started to lose their jobs. So many people started to think that technology will replace humans in the future, and it may create an alarming situation for humans. Indeed, because of the development of technology, many people are losing their jobs, and people are only focusing on it, but they are not focusing on that it is also creating new opportunities.

Instead of it, there are some cases where it cannot be replaced by technology or an automated system. Especially those things that are related to emotions, creativity, and critical thinking are nearly impossible to replace by automated machines or not and technology, whatever it is. Even if there are little possibilities for it, I don't want some things to happen means should not be automated, and today I am going to share only about one of them.

Parents are the ones who play one of the most important roles in this world, and that role is taking care of children, protecting them, giving them love, giving them a proper lesson in life, and giving them a solid foundation to grow up as good people. It says that God can't reach everyone directly, and so as a solution, God sent children into this world through the reference of parents. This sentence here as powerful message that, after God, if there is anyone who can take the place of God for children, then it must be the parents. Parents are those people who always want to see their children happy, at any cost. Whatever they do for children can't be compared with anything, and they will do their best for their children.

In the past, little children used to spend their time playing with their parents or relatives, but now, in many cases, it has been noticed that parents are giving smartphones to their children to keep them busy, and as a child, a smartphone is an attractive thing for them. This is the thing parents are kind of betraying with their children because those children are not receiving the proper care they used to deserve. That kind of behavior cannot be considered as parental behavior, but it's unfortunate that, in most cases, it's happening in today's world. I won't be surprised if, in the future, there will be a facility for taking care of a child using automated machines, which may ensure the safety, entertainment, and feeding of children, which used to be done by parents in the current time. Now, a question may arise: can parental care be replaced? My answer is no.

In that kind of situation, the children will miss the parental love, which is the most important thing for a child, and I assure you that no technology can replace the parental love. Next, what about understanding the mood of children. Based on facial reactions, eyes, or actions, parents can easily understand what the children want and what they need to do. Do you think automatically developed technology can detect it. For that, emotions are required, and an automated system will never have it anytime, and I am very confident in it.

I don't know if, in the future, the definition of parental care will change with time. That may be possible, but considering the current definition of parental care, it will always be impossible to perform with automatic machines or technology.

So it cannot be replaced, and it should not be replaced.


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