How and Why Silver Bloggers?

We were on TG sometime in October 2021. It was our way of communicating how to go about Hive as we were both starting and didn't really comprehend the game. Super Eli (@coquicoin) knew more than I did and was so kind to share them. I was one lucky fortunate recipient.

Unaware of many things, I felt lost and she made me understand the important stuff - Resource Credits (which I often ran out of at that time and she told me to get some from the gift giver site), the use of proper tags, and cool communities where we could post. You would have guessed that she introduced the Silver Bloggers community (and others to me and I can't thank her enough (gracias, amiga).

Six or seven days after our conversation on TG, I posted my participation in the Blog of the Week and felt welcomed. This was my 8th long-form content on the blockchain and the first on the SB community, followed by many more over these few years where I had been a recipient of the #BoM prizes, many thanks to the generosity of two beautiful Silvery souls, Fiona and Lizelle.

When I was starting (last quarter of 2021) I had no consistency in posting and my content was more about my walks (Actifit) and photography. It was not until January 2022 that I brushed up my writing into something closer to home, musings and ramblings not only current life happenings or experiences but also memories. Such perfectly fits the community's description:

  • a compulsion to share our life experiences for storage on the blockchain for our children and children’s children;
  • musings and memories of lives lived – the happy and the sad, the long and the short;
  • planning for the next phases of life, whether formal work or not, leisure and travel; second (or third…) careers and hobbies to supplement or, because often one must, generate income. Whatever keeps 'time travelers' busy.

Yes, I am drawn to the community for the beautiful souls (the team) behind it and the silvery members too, most are quietly enjoying the good life in their own special way. While I post on various Hive communities, Silver Bloggers has become my go-to community (Hive Haven) and is one of my top 3 favorites from 2022 through today.

It felt like I belonged here not just because I was born before the internet era (yep, I'm in my early silvery years) and already retired from 9-5; but also because I get to be myself, uninhibited and comfortable pouring my heart out, sharing even the most mundane stuff of my day and not worrying about being muted (or judged). And of course, because SB is home to two of the warmest souls I've ever met online (Silver Scot whom I fondly call Tito Ed, and Silver Cat, my amiga Super Eli).💖

In short, I'm so grateful to be a part of this amazing community. Not to forget that our Silver Names are cool! Gracias to the great Dude (Silver Fish aka Mondoshawan) for the creativity.

I tip my hat to you all - the Fab 3 (Lizelle, Fiona, and Eliana), the two cool Dudes (Tito Ed & Dan), and my fellow SB members. Thank you for all that you do. Here's to celebrating the community's 3rd Birthday and many more blockchain birthdays ahead!


Lead photo edited on Canva, original images/graphics by SilverFish (Mondoshawan).

Screenshots linked directly to their sources. 02062024/21:15ph

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