There has always been a time when I get the opportunity to show a little kindness to someone or people, and most times I must admit that it feels hard. But then one thing that helps me make the right choice is the fact that I want to treat others the way I'd love to be treated. So lately, it's becoming a habit to be kind to people in the simplest ways possible, not really for their own good only but also for my own happiness.

I have always believed that one doesn't have to be so wealthy first before they show any act of kindness. Most times, a lot of people that I've seen just believe that for them to be able to show any act of kindness, they first have to have more than enough, but that is not true at all. As long as a person finds it hard to share the little they have, it would even be harder for them to share the plenty when it comes. Showing kindness to someone shouldn't be limited to only those days when we seem like we have everything.

There was once upon a time in my life when my family was struggling financially, but then during the time when my dad had quite a lot, we made sure to buy a few things at home, so even though there was no more to refill, we still went by every day like everything was fine. We were living in a very local environment at that time, so some of the neighbors around most times came to us to ask for some little assistance here and there.

Well, at first, I was tempted not to help them because I noticed that when they have, they don't even care to look at us, but the moment they need help, they come running to us almost immediately. I was trying to follow the rule of "help me, and I'll help you," but then I realized that it was a very lame way to do things. Some people we help might one day be in a position to help us, but then we shouldn't expect them to help us too because once upon a time, we helped them. When my neighbor came to us that day, I was a bit angry, but then I realized that it could be me at the other end one day, and I wouldn't want anyone to drive me away when I ask for help.

She asked us to give them some food because they didn't have anything to eat that night. Well, we were cooking that day, so I could understand why they came to ask. Although the food wasn't so much, I had to give them a portion that could also be enough for the next day. Seeing the happiness in her face gave me this fulfillment that I'd done something good, and that was just enough compensation. And ever since then, I sometimes feel tempted to expect something in return when I help, but I try as much as possible to suppress that thinking almost immediately.

I believe that anything worth doing is worth doing well. If we are in a position to be of help, we shouldn't use that opportunity to use people or try to blackmail them later into doing something in return for us. If they are willing on their own to help, then that's good, but if they aren't, it is just best we find our way and not just say they are ungrateful or something. Showing kindness is beautiful, but it is not really reciprocal, but sadly, that's what most people want.

This is my response to the IndiaUnited contest on "Acts of Kindness".

The images used are mine

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