Staying True To Myself

In as much as drinking good amount of water on a daily basis is good for the body not everytime one fees like drinking water. We taste for other things that's why we are humans. Humans are dynamic so we have choices to make at different point in our our life. We are offered the choice to either eat at a particular time or stay hungry which I know no one wants to stay hungry except the times we are fasting. Doctors always make the claim that the body contains over 70% of water.


Beer is a very popular alcoholic drink that is taken all over the world, the age is not widely known. Consuming alcohol in it's sense it is not so bad because the body needs some percentage of it to comeback some levels of illness. Most of the food we consume on a daily basis contains some levels of alcohol. Back in the days while I was discussing with some of my friends, one one them a lady made a profound statement that she gets so high when she eats rice. That was so surprising to me because that was the first time I was hearing that, infact I didn't expect to hear that because it sounds strange.


Today Beer drinking has been bastardized by people of different ages, companies producing this hard drinks have made it it of different forms that anyone of any age can afford it. Many young fellows are already addicts of these drinks and they feel that it is the way of life. In as much as Beer is good for the body it should not be consumed in excess because it will in turn cause some damage to the health rather than fighting illnesses. There is this man behind my house that drinks as if there is no tomorrow, most midnights he drinks and then shout outside like a mad man. Some says they drink to forget their sorrows but the truth is that it will clear off and you still stay with the pains and sorrows.

Beverages are not limited to the regular milk and Coco Flavoured powders we take on a regular basis. Beverages are all the things we drink on a daily basis ranging from water to all the flavoured drinks even beers and so on. The kind of beverage we take depends on the person involved. Personally, I take less of the milk and Coco Flavoured drinks these days because of the way there cost have gone parabolic rather I go with home made products to replace those. Not only that the cost of these products have gone so high but here people mix anything they feel like so as to make more profits, so when one produces things himself at least there level of security is improved.

When it comes to drinks, I prefer the ones I prepare by myself. From time to time, I produce the natural juice and enjoy them with my family. Now that fresh fruits like mango is the best time to have these juice processed. My cousins wife in this season produce mango juice and refrigerate it and it stays till the next season at least she have regular source of light in her base.

As a mother I do try my best to positively walk around every situation in other to make the best out of it.

My response to the #inleo #aprilinleo daily prompt. Do well to be part of this move, just select a topic to write on. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

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