Phone Photography Contest #22: The Aquarium...

It's almost a year since my bestie and I visited the Ocean Park. It was such an interesting and memorable experience with her. We were able to explore and meet several underwater creatures as well as other animals like birds, reptiles and so on.

In this entry for @untilwelearn's Phone Photography Contest 22, I'm going to share some photos of fish and underwater creatures I took that time. I've shared some photos last time on my main blog, but I'm going to select those I haven't shared yet. So, I hope you enjoy it!

The first few photos you see above are from the "Jungle Trek", so the aquariums were similar to that of a jungle. Some of the fish were massive, but they're still so cute to look at. (at least for me...)

This area is what they call "The seven seas. They have a variety of fish and other underwater animals as well. The water here is much clearer with beautiful and colorful corals.

Then on our way to the bird show, we saw this random aquarium with a variety of sea animals.

This area here called the "Oceanarium" was my favorite because it felt like we were walking underwater. The downside though, it's too popular that a lot of people stay in this particular area of the Ocean Park. We even went there on a weekday. haha

It's almost been a year, I hope to spend time with my bestie again... when she comes back to the Philippines. :)

Thanks for checking! See you next time! ^^

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