Ask from Government - Quality and Affordable Education

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Every person living in any country contributes towards the development of the country, it can be a positive effect or may be a negative effect. The education plays a very important role when we taking about the development of any country as if the people are educated they can contributes in many ways in development. The youth are the future of the country and the development of any county depends on the contribution of their youth. Education play the step towards the lifelong leering and human development.

The basic education is fundamental right of every child and it should be the priority for developing countries. The focus should be the education for all and many countries started the movement in same regards. if I talked about the India then literacy rate in India is around 77.7%. India has millions of schools and thousands of universities and as per estimate it will grow to 225 billion U.S. dollars industry by 2025. The number of schools and the universities across is not the problem the system has basic or fundamental weeks points which I like to highlight here.
We talked about the education to all but at which rate and what is the quality of education. If I take a look at the 10 to 15 years back them I can see a big difference in the fee structure of the schools and collages. When I was in school my parents were paying approximately 10k Indian rupees per annum on my schooling . It includes the school fee, the boos and the other miscellaneous expenses. I remember we use to purchase the books form the students just promoted to next class. But in todays time the cost of junior wing school is ten times the expenses in my time. Their are many Government schools where you will find the fees are very nominal but the quality of education is always question mark for such school. Some missionary schools are also good and they are cost effective also but they are very few and most of the places you will not find such schools near to your location.
In our school time we use to have note books and books but now the concept has been changed, the kids do the study on workbooks. The books itself has the space for the writing but those workbooks are not reusable. And you will find those books from some particular publication and form some particular shops only. Their is not control on the price of those books. I was surprised when we purchases the books for Gurseerat this year (for 1st class) cost more then 7k Indian Rupee. That is equal to my yearly fee of school. The schools does not stopped here they have tie ups with the uniform vendors also and you were forced to purchase the uniforms form some selected shops only. Honestly when we purchased the dress for Gurseerat, we do not like the quality but we do not have any choice.

The education sector is more about the business now days. The main purpose of the schools was to impart the education and prepare them for the future but not days its more about earing money form students. My expectation for the Government is to make the policies that focus on quality and affordable education for every child. The upper limit for school fee and the other such conditions are very much necessity now days. Either they need to improve the education in the Government schools or they have to control the private schools.

This is my participation post for Initiative: April Monthly Prompt
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This account belongs to my kid. She is just 6 year old and as she does not know writing so my wife (@mk992039) and me (@guurry123) are managing the account for now. We will handover the account to her when the time comes.

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