A Start - June 11, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

Mulch - 1st load crop June 2024.jpg

On Tuesday morning I got a late start outside. I’d taken a lot of photos the day before that I had to edit for the post. Then I decided to get a load of dishes in the dishwasher. I finally got outside before 9AM.

Once out, I had hoses to put away and to get out for different areas, mulch hay to bring up from the barn, and to get set up. I didn’t start planting in the New Herb garden until 9:30AM.

New Herb - Row 2, tansy crop June 2024.jpg

I got my equipment down the end of the row and realized I’d have to tie up both the tansy and the wormwood so I’d have room to work. So I found posts and string and got that done.

Damascus roses crop June 2024.jpg

Damascus roses in bloom, trellis still waiting to be built

New Herb - Row 1, finished crop June 2024.jpg

I only had 2 plant types to put in Row 1, pyrethrum and astragalus. I started mulching as I went along. Once I’d gotten the sprinkler set up, notes made and photos taken, and cleaned up, it was 11:30AM.

Here are notes on the herbs, in order from east to west in the row:

New Herb - Row 1, plants1 collage text crop June 2024.jpg

Joe Pye: I found it odd the outside plant which hadn’t looked good earlier, was now twice the size of the inside plant which had been very good.

Roman wormwood: I am delighted with how well this plant has filled the bed. It’s a bit invasive but it’s doing so well.

Feverfew: these are the transplants I made a month or more ago.

Butterflyweed: It’s doing very well this year and has lots of buds on it.

Elecampane: It seems a bit smaller this year but has lots of buds.

Astragalus: These seedlings weren’t looking their best but I hope they will perk up now they’ve been planted.

New Herb - Row 1, plants2 collage text crop June 2024.jpg

Woad: This plant got a severe haircut when I cut all the thousands of seedheads off on Saturday. This is a very hardy plant.

Pyrethrum: These tiny seedlings were all I could coax to grow inside so now they are in the garden. I hope they do well.

Wormwood: It’s grown a lot since I weeded on Saturday. It took 2 rows of string to hold it up off the little pyrethrums.

New South - 1st hollyhock crop June 2024.jpg

New South garden: first hollyhock flower

I sat and rested an hour and got some lunch. My brother had said he’d be back for 2PM and we’d work on awning windows. At 1PM I realized I’d have to wash screens for those windows so I collected the screens and headed out back.

Clean screens crop June 2024.jpg

I had 10 of them to do and finished right around 2PM. I wasn’t sure if we would do the south side (as it was cloudy off and on) or the north side.

Wildflowers - coreopsis color crop June 2024.jpg

I almost got the color of the wildflowers in the morning when it was cloudy.

Roundtop window partly finished crop June 2024.jpg

He opted for the south side and we started with the roundtop window. I got all the stuff off it but never got it put back.

We did the other 2 awning windows in the kitchen and clean room. When we moved to the bathroom window, yellow jackets had built a small nest under it. I knocked it down and crushed it, and managed to kill a few of them. But 2 kept escaping so we quit and moved to the back porch.

We got all 4 of those windows done and my brother wanted to do the dining room window before stopping. So we got that one done.

Dining room window partly finished crop June 2024.jpg

I got all the screens in and all the windows open that now had screens. It’s to turn hot on Wednesday and I have to cool the house down.

Mulch - 2nd load crop June 2024.jpg

I’d asked my brother to help me bring up a larger load of mulch as I’d used all but 2 bales of what I’d gotten in the morning. So we got that done.

Little trees - collage text crop June 2024.jpg

I’d been eyeing the elderflowers on the York elderberry, wanting to harvest them. So I got a photo of them. While down there I saw the Contender peach is loaded with peaches. I suppose I will have to take some off so the branches don’t break, but I sure hate to…

The little sugar maple often gets forgotten when I take pictures of the Little Trees. So this is how he’s doing at 4 years.

Second Fence - yellow loosestrife crop June 2024.jpg

Second Fence garden: yellow loosestrife

Another garden not touched since 2019 and there are still a few hardy plants growing in the weeds and grass.

On Wednesday I’d love to get one more row done in the New Herb garden. But I have the messes left from window cleaning to attend to. I should clean the kitchen. And I have to figure out a lunch because I am going to an event at the Senior Center for 11AM. When I get back, I should mow the lawn. So it looks like gardening is out.

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