A Paranormal Experience.

The discussion about the existence of ghosts, reincarnation, and others didn't start today, and it's something many people still do not believe in. I used to be like that as well; I did not believe in things like that until some unexplainable experience happened around me.

I am not someone who hangs around a dead body for any reason; you can't see me pause at an accident scene, and the best I can do is to call the Rapid Response Squad. I barely attend burial ceremonies as well, and it's not like I am sacred, but a lot of things play in my head whenever I have a close look at a dead body, so I believe whatever happens after is just my imagination.

Whenever people tell me their stories about ghosts, I always tell them that it was just their imagination playing games with them because I believe that's the cause of seeing things that are beyond human understanding.

Back in the polytechnic, we lost a student who was my coursemate as well. He was involved in a very fatal accident close to the school gate. The people around him rushed him to the hospital immediately, and the doctor confirmed him dead.

It was a shock to the entire department and a terrible morning for the school. We couldn't retrieve his phone from the accident scene, so reaching out to his family was impossible. A student claimed to know his parents house, so some lecturers volunteered to go with us to break the news to his family.

My HOC asked if anyone would volunteer to follow him, but only a very few people turned up. I couldn't ignore joining them because Precious was a good guy to everyone.

We embarked on the trip, and upon our arrival there, we met his family. One of our lecturers broke the news to his family, and I couldn't hold back tears watching his mother roll on the floor, wailing.

The precious mother kept saying that she saw her deceased son in the market some minutes ago, and while walking to where he was, he vanished into the crowd. The dad said they have been calling his line since the mother came back from the market because they wanted to be sure that he was still in school.

I felt chills in my bones as she repeated the story while crying, and my body was covered in goosebumps.

I could feel his presence in the compound, and it was so strong that I became scared. Immediately, I regretted coming there because different thoughts started coming to my mind.

How is that possible? I asked myself this question several times as we journeyed back to school with his family members.

I finally spoke out, and my lecturer shared an experience about something that happened in his family.

According to him, his aunt, who he lived with, died in Ibadan, and it wasn't a mobile phone era when they could easily call to inform her parents, who were his grandparents, so some family members in Ibadan traveled to Ile-Ife the next day to inform her parents about the tragedy.

Upon reaching Ife, the mother of the deceased argued that her daughter wasn't dead. She claimed that the deceased came home earlier that day and even brought some clothes for her.

When they asked where she was, the mother said she went out to get something not long ago.

It became a mess, and they waited throughout the day, hoping what her mother said was true, but no one showed up. From that experience in school, I never doubted the existence of a ghost or spirit, but saying it outside makes it look stupid.

Image belong to me

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