Gaming Photography Weekly Contest | AVATAR


While exploring Hive, I found this community and became curious about its concept, which is based on video game photography. This is really attractive to those of us who appreciate the beautiful views in games and want to create content with them. I was able to make my first post, and upon reading further, I discovered this weekly contest that brings themed challenges. This week's concept is WATERFALLS. It's challenging because if you don't play a game that has waterfalls, you'll need to research which games do and explore them calmly.

If you'd like to participate this week, I'll leave the link to the post where you'll find the detailed rules and prizes. GET INVOLVED!



When venturing into AVATAR, I initially found myself in the role of a cadet exploring Pandora. The views it offers are truly breathtaking, both for its vegetation and its fauna, which we can scan to learn more about, like a wiki-guide. Regarding finding a waterfall, they were everywhere. I don't want to exaggerate, but if you've seen the movie, you'll see that the mapping is very well done, as there are also waterfalls visible from high up. I came across this first waterfall that I found very beautiful, as it was set in a lovely view and surrounded by lush vegetation.

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To perform some actions initially, I was tempted to shoot at some animals around me, specifically a species similar to rhinoceroses. And guess what? They started chasing me. It was funny how the photo turned out perfectly while I was running and shooting to avoid dying mid-mission. After that intentional torment, I continued taking snapshots from other perspectives because I really liked it. Additionally, I found an area in the background where a tribe was located, and the wooden decorations there created a very good contrast.

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I came across another waterfall a few steps ahead and was able to take some truly beautiful shots. This is the view from above, and it seemed very strange that along the way I only encountered a few animals. I had to summon animals with my thoughts, haha. It turned out they were behind me, these horse-like creatures that are majestic in appearance and gait. I found them next to another waterfall, so I went to the place where they were, and guess what? I made an exploration buddy. It accepted me as a link, and we were able to explore a bit more...

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Continuing with the missions, I had to obtain a BANSHEE, a flying creature that would help me achieve the goal of finding beautiful views. Before connecting with one of the banshees, I passed by some waterfalls and took photos of them to reinforce the saying that waterfalls are everywhere. The contrast created by the native structures adds a certain tranquility of peace and prosperity to the environment. And if we look at the heights, the banshees made me want the encounter even more, but I had to stop the humans first and continue the search.

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As I ventured a bit further, I found their nest near a waterfall and took this photo, as everything contributes to the beauty of Pandora. So, I decided to delve deeper into the nest and tame one of them. After a brief interruption in the connection, I was able to establish it and could finally fly, enjoy, and reach more places.

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The inspiring music while flying, the cascading waterfalls, and the sound of the environment make it a unique experience, prompting reflections similar to those in the movie about destructive humans. But back to the topic, I flew past a waterfall and, trying not to hit it with my wing, touched the waterfall of the rock that levitated due to gravity. I explored several places enjoying the flight and, by pressing a button, could see from the front perspective, observing waterfalls cascading from the rocks behind my avatar. I immediately captured that moment. It felt somewhat iconic to close with the image of obtaining my Banshee and flying away alongside the waterfalls, thus concluding this post.

I hope you feel encouraged to participate and, above all, enjoy the moment and the concept that the community offers us.

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